Using and Abusing logos

I’m wondering about the message my current avatar is sending :thinking:

The voices in the cheap seats suggest

I am a ball of rubber glue…

Which is just #%^,?*ing typical of that lot :shushing_face:


Let’s be real, it’s about my avatar isn’t it


Absolutely, no one wants to admit it publicly tho


Sorry been working all day and missed this getting started. I would love to have his logo removed. Not only is he not affiliated with us but he kinda screwed us up in The beginning. Thanks @cyclopath for getting this started.

The major problem I have with him using our logo is when he starts representing my company in these sketchy adventures he’s on. And I really don’t have the time to hunt down every post.

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I don’t think you understand how liability within the forum works. I suggest you hire a new lawyer. Anyone who’s responsible for this site is legally and financially responsible for damages or even being tangled into someone else’s lawsuit and spend more money into a black hole.


I hate to break it to you but this site isn’t protected by free speech. Free speech is like religious and people saying they hate each other. This site caries heavy liability and the only reason otherwise is because nobody has a slimey injury lawyers yet that have caught onto this place. This place is a bread crumb trail of evidence and liability left and right.


Public forum doctrine :thinking:


come on guys u know it’s the red eye smiley avatar


Now I’m confused

@cyclopath abusing power bah hum bogg. I misunderstood I know

whole hardheartedly agree. :muscle:

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Could always just move the hosting out of US jurisdiction and point to IP address. The only thing the government could take then is the .com that points the the address. Essentially nuking any private entities opportunity at having a court battle.

Administration doesn’t have to bend to anyone’s will.

They however have a moral compass and do moderate quite well.

If anything I’d just add the verified profile check mark and process so they don’t have to deal with these types of requests.

Which they have different badges and stuff for identifying.


You don’t know what you are talking about. Stop talking out the side of your stomache

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Did you need me to draw it out for you?
Or provide examples of everlasting websites?
Even with their originators in prison they haven’t ended their websites.

Kickass? TPB? Demonoid? Some very popular names still going after world wide take down attempts…


SOMEBODY has a lawyer that is very aware of this place and THEIR legal requests have gone absolutely nowhere. Much love @spdking


Don’t mix the term going nowhere with bread crumbs trail of unequitable behavior.

Getting nowhere? You mean the owners of this website don’t have lawyers and make up lies to my lawyers to try and deviate efforts? Yea that’s about right.


Dude you just mentioned people in jail, so I guess let’s just all go to jail for nothingness reasons like you’ve tried to post. That was literally the worst example you could have made. The point was because people opperate liable websites on hidden ip or bounced around destinations virtual servers doesn’t obsolve them of liability. That’s what I’m saying exactly. People can run all they want but eventually it catches up to them…

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Im saying governments have tried to get involved and haven’t gotten rid of websites even after taking owners into custody.

You’re just a private entity with way less capabilities.

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  1. Same capabilities, see this all happens in same courts and such.

  2. Those places you are talking about just moved hosting to other countries where United States judges orders aren’t valid.

  3. If that person is in jail they have a ruling and a judge’s order on assets and property and principle controlled company opperations…meaning the only way said person could opperate after being imprisoned is having a satellite partner in other countries where American court rulings are invalid. In the same argument if those people opperate in the United States after being prosecuted - themselves and anyone helping like isp or server hosting sites would also be held liable.

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If a judges orders aren’t valid. How are you hoping to get anything done?

You answered this yourself.

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Re read the comment. I’m talking other countries