Using and Abusing logos

Lol idk how many times ive seen you say to call your team and youll give a great deal that “beats” w/e someome was looking at.
You ptobably dont close any deals because u dont “beat” any prices when u actually quote them, maybe 20% off (yes quite a discount) but still ends up being 2x as much as what the person was looking at.
If u wanna close more deals, stop doing that. I know i got price sticker shock when u quoted me after saying youd “beat” the price of the item i was looking at.


I swam in all the canals in Cutler ridge now Cutler bay. I like it better when it was just saga bay and Cutler ridge.
Ridge rat forever

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Like the planes STILL sitting along the side of Krome when any field was a ‘run way’. Good times. SFl life was and still IS the best life


Stomach *

I agree entirely


Benzene is tested as part of residual solvent analyses for compliance, and at the lowest possible limits. I’ve never had any benzene show up in my tests of semisynthetic products, like Δ8-THC.

While, I do agree that semisynthetic methods that often result in over 10% unknown compounds that may or may not show up in the chromatography are unacceptable, I would prefer to focus on finding solutions to this problem, such as identifying “cannalysis” labs that can run longer chromatographic separations and try to identify all peaks through reference with broader libraries of compound ion spectra.

I recommend that @Kingofthekush420 and any others who do not necessarily get 98% known peaks from semisynthesis on pure CBD isolate please have those products analyzed for all unknowns in the aforementioned way at a lab like Anresco in San Francisco, CA or ACS in Tampa, FL. That information would be incredibly helpful, not only to put these concerns to rest, but also to optimize the synthetic methodologies with the help of chemists like myself! :wink:


Yea can we get back to science and lab tests plz? :facepunch:


We actually have an LCMS at the lab im working at

Its a clinical edition so it has all the pesticides and degradation products all ready in its library

Were thinking about using the MS to help identify unknowns in people’s isomerization reactions

I guess there’s a way that the MS can identify parts of molecules that aren’t in the library by matching part of the molecules to known standards in the library

As an example, if you made olivetol and you didn’t have the standard for it in your libraty but you had benzene the machine would identify atleast the benzene portion of the olivetol and tell you that its a benzene with other stuff on it

Pretty cool stuff, i actually can’t wait to start learning about MS


Nice. That is a very excellent start. What brand is it?

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The tower is an agilent 1260, the ms idk

I know the gas generator is a peak

Its a triple quad MS

Ill upload pics when I get back later

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Right on! I would certainly appreciate the effort, and I can assist with the study as needed, @Kingofthekush420 !

Whats the highest grade that you “consistently” flash? (say 80% of the time)

Hmm, kind of depends on where I am and how much I’ve been climbing. At J-tree I can onsight mid 5.10 trad pretty conssistently, J-tree 5.11 I’ve onsighted a few (1?), been shutdown more than once on sierra 5.9 too tho hehe love a good ol backcountry sandbag. Meanwhile, at touchstone gyms im a 5.12+ and V6 onsighting climber


Rad man! 5.10 onsight at j tree is no easy task! I wish we had more outdoor climbing around me. Smith rock is the closest and its 3.5 hours away. :frowning:

I mostly just boulder for fun inside. ratings for me is v5-7 depending on gym for pretty consistent flashes.

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Thanks! Took a while to get here.

Yeah, western Oregon isn’t that great for climbing, but there are a couple crags tucked away, plus there’s castle crags in CA, and in Oregon trout Creek and Smith all under 4 hrs, that’s under what I drive to get to a lot of crags in the Sierra. It’s 8 hrs to get to j tree for me…


Like many things in life the key is having a motivated partner who’s down to blast a couple hours out to a real crag for a weekend trip and the occasional weekday poach


We have climbing a lot closer than that. I’m happy to take you to Wolf Rock (Oregon’s Yosemite/largest monolith @ about 1200’) or Flagstone. Ratings are softer than Smith, but I far prefer the climbing at either one. Half the time to get to both too. If you want trad only, Moolak is close too. Bouldering up north at The Gardens is pretty fun too, as long as you don’t mind really scary, uneven landings. Roseburg, also closer than Smith, has tons of great climbing and different types of rock, too.

Hit me up, and let’s go climb once the rains stop.


DUDE! YES please! I really wanna go to wolf rock, it looks super fun but I have no people with outdoor climbing experience to climb with.


Should have known the MS was an agilent if the tower was