USA federally legalizing cannabis

just my thoughts.
I believe the democratic party will at some point turn Legalization into a party platform. Once they gain any traction, Trumps cabinet will then either promise to push legalization through. Or Nip it in the bud by Decriminalizing it before the election.

We are close.

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I feel like there’s so many social injustices being fought for at once that the democratic party is arguing too much among themselves to get together. The Republican party has a candidate to stand behind and they’ve all done so. Liberals have mainly decided that choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil, and end up not voting. I feel like if any candidate brought it up as a party platform, it would most likely be on the Republican side, just for fiscal reasons.

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I might have to disagree with FL. They battle hurricanes, random summer showers that hit fast and hard, and the one thing that it will never have is humidity control. The only way to pull if mass production is glass greenhouse. Completely sealed up. There is no other way other than warehouse facilities with parishes or counties that have low KwH


Actually anywhere works for ins, but Texas and Florida will most certainly NOT produce fire outs.
Maybe one or two,
Also, no big farms gonna produce fire, it’s almost all mids in shops in Oregon and Cali, with the exception of a few
Salt growers ain’t gonna grow fire
So it’s always going to be local organic indoor or climate controlled GH that crush, not nabisco time Warner Carl’s junior.


Texas is already planning on a shit ton of fiber production.


That’s what’s up!
This cbd hype is crazy, and not at all what “hemp will save the world” is about.
Organic fiber production on the other hand can.
In addition to the fiber 1 acre produces enough hempcrete for three 2500 ft2 houses.
The 3D printer is about 100k and does a house that size in 72h
Hemp could solve the housing crisis while remediation soil, and making muthafuckas money


If it doesn’t happen by fall 2020, we’re likely looking at another 5 years from there if the republicans win. Maybe a year or two sooner if dems win. The DEA and DOJ have a substantial chunk of their budget to protect, and the evangelical voting base is nothing to sneeze at. Not to mention corporate interests against legalization are still outweighing corporate interests for it. When it does go legal, it’s going to play into the emerging industry model just like every other emerging industry. Whoever controls the supply chain will control the market for a while. Eventually consumers will demand higher quality and niche markets will start growing to fill that demand. Though because of this gradual state legalization, I have a feeling the demand for higher quality will come sooner rather than later. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle.

All in all, black market cannabis will largely be a thing of the past if the states and fed finally realize that they can’t simply set taxes as high as they want. Case and point, cigarettes in NYC. But hey, I was able to pay my rent by selling moonshine to peers from age 17 to 20. Didn’t work so well after I turned 21 along with most of my peers. :man_shrugging:


Anyone a bookie? Lets start making bets on when we think it will be legal.


they need to stop trying to solve problems by taxing cannabis


You can’t solve a problem without tax :roll_eyes:

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Maybe we should all throw down and start a corporation.


That’s not a bad idea. Percentage ownership based on what each person brings to the table, democratically elected CEO. Shit, I know if I even owned .5% of a company as big as Marlboro I’d be sitting pretty. The only thing I’d be worried about is the bureaucracy of such a venture.


Or at least a real trade group


The mid-west will almost certainly grow industrial seed/seed oil fiber hemp, as there is just way too much feral hemp there to ever hope to avoid pollination.


I’d buy into something like that


I’m in I will invest all lol :laughing:


For the average distillors this is the competition that awaits when this goes :100:% legal coast to coast. Who here thinks they can compete?


That’s exactly what I’m talking about company’s like that will lock the lil guy out of the extraction buisness all together. An not to mention make it where the lil guy won’t be able to afford to play at all…


Make terps out of local favorites


Lol you think that things big?

Tyson ranch has a 3 stage 36 inch wiper I’ve been told.

@Future can you confirm or denie this?

I thought I heard you say something about their big badass wiper one time