FAQ - Future4200 updated to include a Rules section.
Have thoughts? Post em here.
What about other sales that are usually flagged, like posts for bm flower for sale? I only see rules for hemp sales.
Slanger badge or flag if slangin’.
I really could care less if people want to ask for something, if they post in the appropriate Want To Buy section / off topic (and not in Cannabusiness!)
A post was merged into an existing topic: Slangers, Read this BEFORE Posting Hemp Products for Sale - Verified / Verification Post
What about all the spam postings, and continuous “bump” hourly and daily by a select few? I can name 2 people with out even thinking too hard. I’ve flagged it before, only to be “over ruled”, but for others its perfectly ok to do the above.
It cant be one sided if your going to implement rules.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Slangers, Read this BEFORE Posting Hemp Products for Sale - Verified / Verification Post
Yeah that’s annoying. I am not for just taking action against people without at least trying to inform them. Tag em here.
I brought it up in the past couple weeks with a flag, and it was deemed ok to spam. Even mentioned it 3x iirc in past posts. Then in the sales section a certain thread from a verified slinger that has more daily bumps hourly than pablo escabors crew did daily in Mexico.
Lol krypx
He has a great price and the drive to move it. To bad I jump into his thread hoping for the MOQ to go down. Only a select bread can hate on that game. I would say he is doing what needs be. Get at it my dude.
i’m not hating on them. I’ve used them before for isolate and was happy
I know you are not, Another is.
tbh who gives a fuck if they bump their own thread. Better than hijacking threads like solventdirect
This dude did 3 bumps per hr one day. I’m all for slinging, but that’s sounds like desperation. I’m NOT hating, it’s just verified spam is all.
Did he fuck your bitch? Shit in your cereal? Maybe he Used a non approved kn-95 while giving you a reach around? Otherwise he seems less annoying than summit place KIA. Dude is trying to make a buck, you see his thread titles…You obviously click on them to see the word “bump”. Stop clicking, Stop hating.
Also, you can mute threads you don’t like
It’s cool. I quit spamming any and all threads.
They are on ignore now. I dont give 2 shits currently
@spdking rants are more amusing.
I’m just saying its hypocritical with certain people on here vs others.
I said my peace, I’m out of thos convo, I have better thing to do in my day.
It’s true. The moderating is a joke at best. One day they claim to moderate(I have it in writting) and the next day too lazy to moderate. Then they go back to moderating but only remove the non viable he said she said non liable statements or arguments while leaving the worst stuff up.
The moderation is like don’t by a group of clown fucks who don’t have a fucking clue in life I sometimes think. I’ve seen horrible shit up here and then seen docile shit removed or moderated.
I’ve even seen moderators blatantly lie on here and get away with it.
And yet you spend hours a day here
Background noise bro. I swift through page tabs all day … Just like everyone else on the planet.