Unsafe CLS machine technician

boss needs to understand Rocket Surgery:

disassembling the pipe bomb while it’s pressurized is a great way to get dead. plenty of folks who have had near misses. those that failed at missing don’t show up to raise their hands (eg: The Death of Horatio although his rocket was CO2 powered).

once upon a time the boss loosened the top clamp on a 3" column at ~100PSI. gauge was wrapped and looked like it read zero. he was lucky it was above his head.

I’ve had a 1.5" single pin clamp graze my ear…long enough ago that I don’t recall exactly how I screwed up (opened a pressurized container idiot!!) . Nor what told me to get my head out of the way in a hurry (just thankful I did).

this is probably where the boss needs to start… Bho Disasters (PLEASE READ!) | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

I’d also suggest :Dealing with static electricity... MAJOR NO NO

and Share your terrifing/dangerous* storys of cannabis alchemy ventures