Use long metal dog cork screw, or custom made longer one
I can pack it so tight before, no matter how tight…
Every time less than 1min clean out…takes way longer to load the material
Screw it in one side, pull it out… Screw in other side pull out
Use long metal dog cork screw, or custom made longer one
I can pack it so tight before, no matter how tight…
Every time less than 1min clean out…takes way longer to load the material
Screw it in one side, pull it out… Screw in other side pull out
7Penn Garden Plant Flower Bulb Auger 3” x 12” Inch Rapid Planter – Post or Umbrella Hole Digger for 3/8” Hex Drive Drill
Yep… works like a charm. So simple, yet so brilliant.
I use socks ATM so unpacking is a breeze with no mess to clean. This is more of a commercial device for guys running 4 x 4x48" tubes on a rack/wall. So i can hand pack about 6 #'s in my 4x48" tubes right now. This means i will be able to get 9 #'s in my tube. This would mean that every time i fill my 4 tubes its like i ran 6 instead. Whats the ETA on packing 4 x 4x48" tubes with 9 #'s each then?
They make in All sizes? I wanna try these in 3"
How hard is it to get spent material out the sock?
Your math is correct. It would take about 8 minutes to pack all 4 columns with 9 #'s each. About 2 minutes per column including set up, filling, and packing. About 4 minutes (1 minute each) to unpack the columns.
We’re happy to schedule a demo so you can try it yourself. We’ve never left a demo with our equipment. It’s a pretty handy tool. Thanks
Its kinda a bitch to be honest. With that said, Have a bag of 10 or 20 of the 3x48 laying around brand new if you want
Are there extraction socks that are 60" and 48" long + 3.75" in diameter? I can only seem to find smaller socks…
Ive made a hydraulic column packer for $2k a few times now.
They get 7.5 lbs in a 6x48 tube.
Idk how you guys are getting any more than that efficiently
Air compressor or a pool stick.
Man ud be tickled w corkscrew
Nice. Our units get 15 pounds in a 6 x 48" no prob. I’m sure we could squeeze in even more than that if needed but would take a bit more time is all. We get 10-12 units in and out of 6 x 36" columns on the regular.
Are you doing this with milled material?
Please elaborate. If this were true, then id be processing 420 lbs per run and not 210 lbs which is major!
If its not true, then youre not doing your company any favors by quoting such high numbers. Its actually quite frustrating. In the spirit of pics or it didnt happen…
Pics or it didnt happen!
Would definitely need a 100lb tane bottle for that
Just watched your video, seems like your biomass is very dense, but you did seem to accomplish said goals. Hydraulic Iron Fist Packing a 6 x 32 inch column - YouTube
Where are you located? We’ll come show you in person if you’d like. We do understand that it is hard to believe. We also understand the consequences of false advertisement and false claims. Thank you.
I’ve seen it in action. I’m pretty sure that video is my buddy’s lab here in WA. The unit is impressive. Especially for fresh frozen/live resin. It’s definitely on our wish list.
Works like charm don’t it!
. I got so sick beating out columns, that would sometimes just pack even tighter
Damn dog stake is life saver right there with the sous vide
Take a 2x2 at the length that your column is. Build a base around that 2x2 with 2x4. Each piece approximately 8”-9” on all four sides of 2x2 standing up. Be sure to pre-drill to ensure you don’t crack these lil guys before you screw. Once finished it should slide into the bottom of a Brute trash can snug against the walls. I cut four sides at the end of post to make a blunt tip. I take my column and slide it on the 2x2 post and let gravity do most of the work. Keep a trash bag over the top of column for when it toothpastes out and after a wack or three pulling your column up and letting it drop down on the post your column is at the bottom and your load slid up and into the bag and any you miss goes in the trash can. Some loads are obviously more difficult than others but most of the time it’s a breeze. #trashcantek
Or make a lil investment into an iron fist.