Turning chopped plants into paper products to package products

Hello great minds of Future4200. First time posting to the sight hoping for a little insight on some things I am not very savvy on.

I have recently been trying to think of how the remnants of marijuana plants could be used to make paper products to box up vape pens, lotions, rosin, you name it! If it can be placed in a box to ship more easily and safely then why not make that box using waste produced by your grow everyday!

The parts of the plant I am most curious about using would be the main trunk and outer stems of the plant. Fan leaves could be good to use but I’m not sure how those fibers would hold up compared to the stems and main trunk of the plant.

If anyone knows of places that do this or has worked in the paper producing industry with some knowledge to share I would love to hear about it! The machinery needed or ideas on how to set up a small scale operation could really be ground breaking for this industry.

This is a late night idea maybe something valuable can come of it if. I shall continue my search in the mean time but any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I’m not sure if you would use bast fiber or hurd.

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I have looked up how to do it by hand. Thats cool for one plant, but the grow I work at has hella flower rooms with plants for days. They fill dumpsters with the waste. I would want large scale fiber stripping and pounding capabilities. I think. After watching small scale videos thats seems to be the move.

Have you looked into a decorticator?

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I have now! Decortication seems to be the first step solved. Now I just need large vats to soak and a machine to pound the fiber? Then large pulp slurry trays to catch and strain water in order to form sheets?


I was searching through things lastnight but I see I was using the wrong key words now! Thank you for the information. I will continue with this reading and try to compile more information to bring to my higher ups. Maybe this is a lost cause or maybe I’ll be able to change the game. Thank you for the links.