Trufflymade stoppers

Anyone got a cheaper source for these things??
$120 for 8 pieces of rubber is fucking criminal

If you have the dimensions you could always look for them at sigma and that kind of thing.

Or if you still have one… you could always make your own mold and then pour silicon into it and make as many as you wanted.

In my experience food grade silicon isn’t cheap. So getting something custom molded for your machine for $15 doesn’t seem unreasonable to me - especially since this shouldn’t wear out very often. If it is, you should consider why the fuck you are destroying it all the time. :wink:

Mine came with spares - you can probably call them and just get one (probably…they have been pretty great to me about spares, instructions, etc.).

One of a similar size, but not the same, on amazon will run you around $10.

My truffly came with a warranty and a bag of spares… did yours not come with this?

But really - there are dozens of plug manufacturers out there. Take the measurements in mm (because that’s what most of the plugs are in) and go look for it. It might not be perfect, but you could always get one and cut it to size. But by the time you put in that effort (I assume you time is valuable) you might have just bought the $15 one from the manufacturer. :slight_smile:

Let us know what you decide to do! I love these searching for solutions kinds of adventures.


Oh we got a bag of spares. But those are the ones that are worn out… but when you run 50,000 gummies a week through the thing they do wear out eventually. It’s understandable.
the machine still runs, but dispense amounts become a little inconsistent and nozzles begin to leak a bit.

I’ve run a trufflymade for like 8 years now and had to replace these multiple times. They do last quite a while.

If no one has a better option, we’ll just bite the bullet before trying to make them ourselves. I just thought someone on this site may have a better option.
$120 for hundreds of thousands of gummies isn’t a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but idk, paying $120 for 8 little pieces of rubber just rubs me the wrong way.


Seems like a no-brainer add-on for a mold supplier. Such a simple shape and can probably have your same factory make these.


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The design truffly made came up with with those rubber stoppers is horrendous. The fact it cant pump water is just silly. Ive put millions of gummies through my machine and the only thing i have to change is the gaskets on the plungers ive never had to change the gasket on the valve.

The reason those things are so expensive is that stopper would need a 2 piece mold to be produced correctly. This isnt a huge deal but to demold it would make the process alot longer (especially if done by hand). You could try to do a 1 piece mold but the problem is youd have varying thicknesses on every piece seeing as that the top larger face would be open. This could cause problems with the despositing if the variance wasnt within specs

Idk if you know this but loosening the front twist nut on the nozzles will allow water to flow through that was the easiest solution i found for cleaning


Cannot compute, explain?

I can’t see where the second piece of the mold would be

Ideally youd do halves, if you did an open face mold the thickness on either the top or bottom would vary from piece to piece which would be a problem

See below for a picture showing what i mean by halves, the top rectangle would be your pour spout

This is only for if you do it by hand, more then likely these are made with a machine on a much larger production scale but it could be done by hand if someone wanted to

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Ahh, I see the two part mold now.

But still don’t understand the variability in thickness. If the molds are the same size how would it change? Gravity?

If you picture the red being the mold in the picture above you can see that the top bigger part is exposed and there could be some variance in the thickness since there isnt anything to control it. You could try and pour the same everything or even try to over pour and trim it off but there would be no guarantee youd be able to get it the same size everytime

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Make them oversize and cut to fit?

You could it really just depends on how tight of a variance you can get away with.

@ZizzleB what kind of chemical compatibility do you need on those

3d print in TPU


nothing crazy. silicone is fine.
they just get washed in water and dish soap.