True Terpenes, New thread

What temperature and needle type are you loading with? I’m thinking I have a shitty needle and have to load too hot as a result and that that could be contributing to my issues.

I do everything on a personal small scale compared to you all. I personally handle everything. I use a (all from ebay) bd 1ml syringes, 18ga blunt tip, silicone container with my cart mixture in a double broiler. I bang out 20-30 at a time. I dont have a fancy syringe heater or filler. Just gotta be quick, as I only fill 2x .5ml carts every draw.


This is more or less how I do R&D in the lab. I fill manually, one at a time. I don’t use a blunt tip. I use 18ga veterinary needle. Beaker on hotplate at 80C.

I’ve been wondering if filling practices are my problem. My input materials are about as good as they get…so I can only assume it’s something I am doing personally.


The blunt needles is just to remove one more potential risk from the lab. At least that’s why I use them. I can’t count how many times I’ve already stabbed myself lightly with the blunt tip.

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Don’t worry, I will have something for you guys too soon


Pro tip, get a rather large blunt tip, larger than what would fit in the cart normally, then squish it flat with a pair of pliers so that it fits in the cart.


I’d never considered that. Some of the carts I’ve worked with in the past weren’t overly fond of fitting those large blunt tips. That’s genius, and because the actual size hasn’t changed, just been reshaped, it shouldn’t reduce flow substantially I’d imagine?


Maybe even press it against a round object to give it a half moon shape so it fits into the cart mo betta. :wink:


That would be next level



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image lol

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What happened to @ExtractNinja ?
@TrueTerpenes I see you still quietly lurk around this forum. Say something?
Never Forget - Corporate Shenanigans


Still waiting for them to respond to GreyWolf…

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That dental needle Is pretty cool but still looks awfully sharp. I’m really liking that half moon thing, fucking genius! I wonder how long it will be before a terp company carries preshaped half moon blunt tips? @FloraplexTerpenes maybe something you guys could offer?


Simple Question:

Could the terpenes have simply degraded over the lifetime of storage?

Is storage in temperature-controlled areas?

What by-products of terpene degradation exist?


There might be some clues in this paper about Sualane and Sqalene degradation.

Edit: After reading this paper a second time, i found no clues. The mystery remains.


I’ll take my 2.5 points on that idea. We are working on another custom design. My man @qma sent over the engineers drawings earlier today. :100::grin::grin::grin:


Nice. Let us know when they drop.

'Member when @TrueTerpenes did that thing? Did they get away with it?
Is everyone in hospital with respiratory disease?


I did a quick look through with the company websites and it seems like all of them are pushing for some form of diluent with a description similar to TT’s original description: 100% terpenes, NO PG, VG, MCT, etc.
Similar description: MassTerpenes (more detail below), Floraplex, TerpeneFoundry

Mass Terpenes actually states their “Liquefy” has terpenes and esters. Though they also have a product called SERVM that is (supposedly) 100% terpenes and terpenoids. The description ends up sound somewhat like TT’s though. The Terpene Store states “Liquify Pro” is a 100% terpene proprietary blend, but in their lab description they state they make their terpenes with “the highest quality food-grade chemicals”. So, there’s some transparency for the people reading between the lines!

Frustratingly, there’s some suppliers that have zero information about what is in their dilutent - such as “Clear Cut” from mrextractor and FOGG cutter (other than a little picture that says "pure terpenes) from FOGGterpenes.

I have personally found that with the carts I use, I don’t need a diluent - but with those who do: I would suggest finding samples for different cartridge hardware and finding what works without a diluent.

Since TT has betrayed everyone’s trust, I suggest people look to engineers instead of chemists to solve the issue of vaporizers not being able to handle thick oil. Instead of trying to modify the oil, I think higher quality hardware will bypass the issue: hopefully in a far more healthy way.