Trillion Dollar Cannabis Company

I consider it like cooking to be honest. If you cook for 5 people, it’s really easy to make amazing things - and consistently. One large process doesn’t start to overshadow the rest. When you cook for a school…or an army…it gets harder to implement the nuances that’d be easy on smaller grows and processing labs. Volume goes up, quality control goes down. Next thing you know they hire a CFO that has barely any cannabis experience and trims the fat where it REALLY hurts but nobody is gonna tell them that because there goes the little bit of job security they had.

That is about the long and short of any cannabis business that was poised to really clean house…ever…even the one I fucking built for a client.


It would be dope to build like 100 20 light rooms and just hire one guy per room and pay them a direct percentage of the casflow their garden generates. Some guys could probably run 2 or 3 by themselves maybe more.

Let them pick the strains technique ect. Have friendly competition. I bet you would have heat on scale.

Shitty growers would quit due to lack of pay and the best would flock to you because they can get rewarded for their superior skill.


Thats a very good idea, is this how its done right now?

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No usually one skilled " master grower " oversees underpaid staff working big 50 to 100 light rooms.

I’ve always thought the best ins come from 20 light room or smaller.


Why doesn’t industry do it this way?

Seems like most at least in the US are either completely disorganized or run like a corporation.

Also there are probably logistical, payroll.and tax issue with this model but I think if you could make it work it could produce the desired result.

US Corn directly feeds millions of people, accounts for most of the sugar in processed foods, gets em drunk, and flattens their beef/chicken/pork animals… We are talking real calories in diets that people need for life. If corn went extinct, people would die in mass… Quality of life would be in the dirt.

US Cannabis gets millions high in a recreational capacity… Maybe feeds some people with seeds… Clothes some hippies. If cannabis was extinct tomorrow, nobody would die of starvation… Rec users would kick the habit in a couple of weeks… The world would go on… Maybe with a little less happiness, true.

Not even comparable commodities really. Cannabis is a vice who’s price is propped up by cultivation/consumption being illegal. Corn is turning sunlight into beef… Fn corn wins. Don’t let your want for cannabis make you illogical.


If you remove a 100 billion dollar commodity from the economy you will most likely see some undesirable effects. Including hungry people.

But I understand your point.