Tricks of the trade

When you reconfigure your lab…a 6" platter works well for holding your hardware.

Edit - this isn’t a trick of the trade. This is me being filthy and building a new set up in the adjacent room…and never needing a 6" splatter platter again…for anything aside an ash tray or a random hardware catch all.


Never put your ceramic cart in your pocket at work. Tape it to your fore head.

Edit, I had the sad pi ture, but for various reasons, decided not to use it


Here’s a before pic anyone I’d what kind is this? Painted base 2 oval intakes? :thinking: I should know this one, but carts aren’t my usual. It hit hard till I squatted lol

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Looks like an ascent ceramic


Ok ok. It’s the first ceramic I’ve tried (carts aren’t my usual), that’s why there’s a before pic


How’d it break? We need to know for science! I tried breaking the tip off on some that didn’t pass QC and hard a very tough time by hand but I did have one out of 3000 where the glass actually cracked

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It literally cracked all the way off the base, glass and all, I left it in my pocket, it was total operator error.

I pretty much only wear dickies, they have pockets where if your phone isn’t in the pocket too, the whole battery and cart can lay sideways. That, combined w a quick take a knee…

I’m surprised the battery survived. Good QC green dot

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In my mind there’s no way it could’ve been prevented w/o duct tape to forehead

Or perhaps having the ‘be-forehead-sight’ to prevent it taking it outta my pocket.

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That sounds like an acceptable mode of failure to me!


The ascent ones are extremely brittle. They will almost always break in your pocket.


To be able to pocket specifically those ceramics, I started running a battery that contains the cart, like the yocan uni pro.


Yeah, I’m familiar, I’ve had this battery for years tho. I did 5think about letting the next one ‘float’ in a length of PVC in my pocket, but I rarely have carts, so seems dumb haha


I second the yocan uni pro, basically armor for your carts lol


They used to have these shell type things that thread on to the outer 810 (I think) threading of ego style batteries. I used to use those before the vape crisis. Seems like everyone recommends the uni pro so it seems like the thing to do.

Already posted this but who else has tried a multiple effect heat exchanger?

Recovery pump heats the coil and the water in the reservoir. Aquarium pump moves the water against the collection jacket. Butane evaporation chills the collection jacket to 0 Celsius. Water returns to reservoir colder and ready to condense the gas. It also helps to have a fan on your system for an air cooled effect.

No heater, no chiller, no problem.


This entire thread is a mental fap. Ty


Diy herb grinder :
1 pill bottle
2 quarters
Shake it up!


How much is it ? I will be needing one. DM me :+1:

My tip for everyone…
Try and get a refrigerant licence before you start …


never worked with a base then have you