Tricks of the trade

I always wondered about that. Most engravers work like a carbide tipped tattoo gun, hammering the point many times a second like a little jackhammer. I would take an educated guess that a fine pointed bit on a rotary tool would be less stressful to glass than an engraver, but it’s still going to compromise the strength either way. Either method would probably make the glass weaker to thermal shock along with pressure. Still handy for glass not subjected to pressure or thermal shock. I like to keep all my tare weights in journal of sorts so I don’t have to worry about etching them on.


Glass blowers scribing pen. Used to sign your name into a piece. Its $15-50 depending on the style


I had friends in the graffiti scene who used diamond tip scribes ALL the time. Lol


I like the idea but the pump required to move that liquid, it’s big yah?

in the garden.

Adding 1g of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid form) per 40 gallons of tap water will neutralize ur chlorine and chloramine in 4-10 minutes.
Making ur tap water suitable for compost teas and watering living soil

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If anyone wanted to make an equipment company, we could easily make things 2x as good as some of this junk


I do and I do lol


In the garden.

If u have a mouse problem, go get some irish springs bar soap

Break it into chunks and put it infront of the fan or ontop of the dehu, any way to spread the smell.
You can make a warm soapy water mix and spray it into any crevices or places u cant reach that u suspect the mouse to be coming from.
For some reason mice hate this smell and luckily for us its not too obnoxious
Available at most stores, u want the really cheap ones lol they work the best. Two bars was enough to ward off mice in a 10x10x12 room


If you have good ideas we can fabricate them for you in house under nda, you can sell the products as you see fit. Just bring your drawings and component lists!


Noob ?, but any tips for channeling ? i have ~ 1/4 # of slabs all with DE Contam , beautiful color just cloudy. i know this isn’t fats because i chucked a G in some ethanol

This is gold. Thank you

What powders you running? I just pour and tap the column as i pour.
Some people pack.
You should get a sintered disc

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I’ve been sifting my B80 lately and finding chunks which could lead to channeling.


DE and B80, and i own 2 discs, one 5 micron regular and another dutch weave of the same micron

Get a 1 micron


Try using lower micron filter paper on top

in the garden.
Specifically good with offgrid grows.

U can plant year round with one of these and not worry about premature flowering.
They have a solar panel to collect juice everyday and automatically turn on for a couple of hours when the sun goes down.
U litterly just hang it in February or March and take it down August. Dont need extension cables or power.
Works for light deps too
Good for a 4x24ft area
I suggest two for a 10x20 greenhouse/light dep


Really now so the RO unit that brought its own issues stripping calcium, this would fix every problem I was having

In the lab.

I didnt have a lab stand clamp big enough for this dewar, so i cut out a “strap” with the foam i recived the glass in.