Traditional market busts/news

Interesting I don’t think I tested it decarbed, it was very very waxy from what I remember

also the stuff I had wasn’t packaged exactly like that so there is a chance it was different altogether


Media improperly fucked with ph and created a conversion with the heat in the collection vessel?

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Thank you so much very enlightening

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I apologize if i got your hopes up on an actual standard for d8thca. Though based off my findings my hypothesis would be that my unkown peak was d8thca. Especially seeing the sample was crystal clear rocks and the decarbed tested 96+%


:pray: quite a master who ever made that product knowing how hard it is to
Issomerize cbd-a or make from cbd


Was Medusa a known problem at the time ? Seems like before Medusa popped !

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Hahaha, been waiting for someone to bring these up. Yall seen when they switched the packaging to “breaking dabs” then “shatterpark” then “butterslinger”(butterfinger knockoff). Amazing, heard they were poured distillate but never knew the d8.

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They didn’t even know they were doing it till i brought these graphs to them and explained. At that point they had already been doing this method for 3+ years. They were a super black market crew so test results ment nothing to them. They were doing this from standard t biomass… all they cared about was color.

Medusa was not a known problem at the time


They were not using distillate at all. Also werent using d8 either. They were reacting the thca into another cannabinoid i believe to be d8thca

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Amazing the fact that there are other ways to isomerize and keep color at room temp is truly unique


They were accidentally making d8 before it was cool, basically? Those test results make it hard to believe this wasn’t a scammy product.

I remember they were good the first year too, when the label just said “variety pack”. Started going downhill quickly though, saw so many boxes of those move around Humboldt

Did you look at my test results of the diamonds i made from those packs? It definitely wasnt scammy or additives. Just the group not knowing they were causing an isomerization in their collection vessel. Its just a hypothesis its d8thca as my in house testing team did not have a standard for d8thca. We did have a standard for d8thc. Once i decarbed the diamonds the oil immediately hit 96%tac and the unkown peak while in diamond form was being read as d8


Ahh I was looking at the test Tom posted

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What’s the difference on tom’s test? Assuming that’s different people making those?

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Im guessing they could have been being made by the same people. Toms test doesnt have a chromatograph to show if there was anything present that the lab just didnt have a standard for.


Would love a little more clarification on how these guys were accidentally creating d8, just with a strange mix of crc media?(or another step in them just trying to achieve that consistent color/texture?)

I know this isn’t the right thread for this, so here’s something to get us back in the right direction.

Little older but still great.

Bentonite clay creates synthetic goop, D8 being one of the isomers created. You mentioned crc, so I might be speaking of separate issues, but wanted to throw this out there.

OLCC doesn’t want us doing it because it’d cause unknown isomers to be present, and our labs couldn’t test for all the non-natural compounds created.


Thanks man! I always just used t41 and/or t5 and wondered why the “variety packs” behaved more like pine sap than shatter. Great to finally get some closure on what those were, definitely heard some crazy rumors.

An interesting take.

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