Toll processing prices in Oregon

Why would I R and D something that’s old tech and I’ve proven not to work.

Even doing it your way it’s more energy and work then chilling to temps that wont pull fats and lipids

Plus if you’re warm extracting you’re pulling colors, sugars and a bunch of other stuff that’s a pain to clean up.

My way is easier, most cost effective. And quicker.

You want to heat up and partially evaporate then rechill?

Way more work and energy then just starting cold and skipping all that work

This was done in a way you’re saying can’t be done. Randy is correct. You probably got discoloration because when trying to filter the fats you got filter medium through.

Ok i see why youre arguing for your proposed method. Changing temperature takes time yes? You propose to take all solvent low. Then rinse then recover taking temps high. Then to do it again you have to wait for temps to get low. One of the key advantages to multi stage systems is they can be run concurrently and independently. I only need to wait for the temp to swing partially to begin any step in the process while you need to wait for the full swing and while you wait what concurrent process do you run? You say youre going to go to hydrocarbon. Im already there. I assure you waiting is very expensive and before you say ill just buy more equip/solvent/space/time/whatever remember that comes off your bottom line.

Btw i had this same debate with future years ago on ig and guess whos now looking at multi step hydrocarbon primary process lol

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This was done with zero cold in another run. Proper temps and pressure dictate most everything when it comes to color and clarity outside isomerazion

Never said anything about discoloration.

CRC and chroma can fix color to an extent.

Only way to fix cloudiness ( like I mentioned above ) is winterization

The whole plan is to have enough solvent so that were never waiting for it to chill.

Eventually I’ll get membranes and winterize in the hydrocarbon I extract in, that’s the future.

Were just trying to use existing equipment at this point.

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Let me back up and say im not attacking you. I hope you succeed. But since youre in the planning stage you havent had the opportunity to learn from execution. Take it from someone with a $2k weekly dry ice bill dT isnt always the most cost effective solution.


I wish I knew someone in San Diego that charged to process fresh frozen buds and trim