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I am no longer with SolventDirect. Please direct any questions or comments to them, and have a great day!


Just dropping it to verify that @BigM_2 is my account for business. I will still be here as BigM as well. I appreciate your patience as I learn all the ins and outs of the biz while working to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Looking forward to working with some of you fine future folks in the near future!


Congratulations @BigM, sounds like a great fit for you. @SolventDirect is lucky to have you! Best of luck on the new venture!


Thanks dude, I really appreciate it!


That’s awesome man. Congrats!


Congrats Homie! I hope you find nothing but success and happiness at your new spot!


Lex is definitely making moves this year! Good luck


Right on! Your well wishes and kindness mean a lot. :smiley:
I’m still finding my balance between getting on board with Solvent Direct and recently returning to the job that covid took from me. I’ll still be here at all kinds of random hours like always, and will be able to return calls and emails throughout the day for any of your needs. Feel free to dm any time for my contact details.


Really excited to be working with @BigM_2 aka @BigM

Welcome to the Team​:mechanical_arm::mechanical_arm::dash:


Hey future folks, I have a shiny new email all set up at for any questions, quotes, or orders. Feel free to drop me a line any time. :+1:


Trigger warning - sales pitch approaching…

Need solvent, dry ice, filtration media, or chemicals, hit me up in the dm’s or email me directly at I’m here to make sure you get what you need, when you need it.

We specialize in serving the cannabis industry exclusively, and strive to provide high quality, high purity consumables so you can make the best extracts.

I have been holding off on pushing sales until learning what I need to know to make sure I’m providing the best service possible. Honestly, I’m not much of a pusher, as I prefer to let good products sell themselves. I’m just here to help you get what you need, whether it’s our product or just some simple guidance. Feel free to reach out any time.

Obligatory coffee mug pic… :upside_down_face:


We’ve tried a few different LPG suppliers and have had qualitatively observed the least amount of impurities in Solvent direct gas.

So far so good on benzene as well.


Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.

I’m taking a breather on consults to focus on fulvic acid formulation, but I will happily refer you to anyone that would require your services. You’re a good dude.

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That’s as solid of an endorsement I could hope for! :smiley: Thanks for your support, and you know I’m gonna keep repping Ag Tonic like gospel.

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I didn’t want to spam up someone else’s thread about dry ice in the Emerald Triangle, so figured I’d carry on the conversation here. We can fulfill your dry ice needs at competitive prices!

Give us a week’s notice for guaranteed dry ice supply in most markets. We deliver or you can pick up 550# bins of nugget or rice at .55/pound. Don’t have a week to wait, give us a call anyhow to see what we can do to try to fit you in.

Call or text 833 PURE GAS, hit me up on here or my email, or you can order on our website

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Good for you I hope you’re well Brother I’m out of likes so otherwise I would like this post

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Thanks homes. I’m doing pretty well, hope you are too!

I’m doing great I promise you talk to Kevin he’ll tell you

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I’m honestly not going to put a bullet in my brain and that’s because I’ve been talking to my friends even as much as I want to