Try this and LMK how it goes with separating the emulsion you’ll create, you’ll end up having to evaporate which takes longer then just washing it out with water.
8 water washes is a small price to pay to avoid emulsions
If this is true why does it take 8 washes to get the PH of my alkaline water to come out above 7 after washing?
According to Google the solubility of PTSA in water is 67 grams to 100 ml which would be 670 grams in 1 liter
I’m doing 25 liter batches in 25 liters of heptane then washing with 50 liters of water
By this math I should be able to dissolve 16,750 grams of ptsa in 25 liters of water
So why doesn’t 1 water wash remove all the acid?
Because it’s almost as soluble in heptane as it is in water, if it wasn’t a couple water washes would remove it all but it doesn’t
Lets unpack this here because it’s easy for useful info to get lost in internet slapfights.
Washing to remove a majority of acid before neutralization in order to avoid or reduce emulsions is a valid real-world reason to do it. Maybe not the most scientifically effective when it comes getting a neutral pH, but it makes the real-world experience of handling the reaction easier.
pH =/= amount of acid in your substance. PTSA is a very strong acid, so it only takes a small amount to influence your pH pretty significantly. Again, the main point is that removing your acid and achieving a neutral pH are two different things and it’s helpful to understand what influences both. Per wikipedia (very scientific, I know):
“The pH of a simple solution of an acid in water is determined by bothK a and the acid concentration.”
I’m really stretching my O-Chem knowledge here but I believe the conjugate salts of acids and bases are significantly more soluble in water than their non-neutralized counterparts because, well, they’re a salt. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the effectiveness of water washing out conjugate salts compared to their corresponding acid.
Isn’t that kinda the same as using the acid-activated media out there? Can’t someone come up with a base-activated filtering media to neutralize our shit?