There’s so many nutrient brands out there, what’s the best bang for my buck?

Please share your experiences

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raw salts are always gonna be cheapest

I like the fox farm three part and have some general hydroponics stuff added with it(armor si, calimagic), I’d stay far away from advanced nutirents


I’ll second what @pdxcanna said, raw salts for the best bang for your buck. Used use tons of JR Peters nutes back in the tomato greenhouse days, so I figure I’ll be trying Jack’s next time I buy nutes.

Currently I’m having pretty good results with Dyna Gro Foliage Pro, Dyna Gro Pro Tekt, AGT-50, and epsom salts.

I started out way back when on General Hydro’s Flora Series. I used that with Floralicious Plus, molasses, fulvic acid, and soluable silicate. Had great results, but it was too much mixing for my liking.

After that, I started playing around with GH’s Maxi Grow and Maxi Bloom as a replacement for the Flora Series. About the only difference I noticed was that I was saving money.

Tried Fox Farms nutes last year for shits n giggles. It was available locally, so I figured why not. It worked, but I went through quite a bit in a small time; seems pretty watered down. Doesn’t seem to stay very stable if mixed ahead of time.


@AgTonik’s AGT-50 is my go to & you can get powersi pretty cheap from @mangotech or @wolverinegrown on ig plus the amount of natural nutes you can harvest/ forge you’d be amazed at what you can concentrate or yeild just my 2 cents


I ran a hydro store for years. 99% of the bottles there are a rip off. The best is always mixing your own salts. The next best is a pre-mix like Jack’s Hydro, Masterblend or Jack’s TAP.

There are certain biostimulants that must come as a liquid- stabilized monosilicic acid, AGT-50 fulvic acid (to preserve amino and organic acids) and phosphite to name a few.


I have worked in a few over the years.
Only things i recommend to people off the shelf is Canna, Plagron or Bio Bizz.
This is if your growing indoors upto maybe 50 lights.
Outdoor or over a large area it would cost far to much money to by shelf nutes,


160 light facility I was working with was paying $1.75/gallon of feed going through about 6500 gallons a week using Heavy 16. That’s more than a half a million $ a year. They were wondering why they couldn’t pay their bills.

I recommended Jack’s Hydro, AGT-50 and insecticidal soap at $0.08/gallon including IPM. That’s less than $30k/year. They didn’t take any of my recommendations.


They are foolish … I imagine they wish they had now…


If you have any ethics, please do NOT use and support advanced nutes. Mike the owner is a convicted phedophile.

Technaflora and agt-50


Amended soil (V3 blend), organics alive solubles, build a soils “build-a-bloom” micronized, agsil16(soluble silica), ferti fulvic plus (will be switching to agtonik next season)

I try to stay away from anything bottled. Agtonic is the only thing in my line up that will be bottled (due to it being more concentrated than the soluble alternative that I’m currently using)


There were 3 co-founders of Advanced Nutrients. Big Mike was fat and bald. The second was convicted of being a pedophile. Big Mike got the Advanced company, got hair plugs and started doing steroids.

The third partner went off and started Emerald Harvest after all that happened. Their sales person is under a non-compete from Advanced, so they hired his wife and they just ride around together on sales calls.

@Hansel You guys are too kind concerning AGT-50. It is a liquid to preserve the amino chelates and organic acids that no other products have on the market.


They are strong words to say the least …
Do you have a link to this ?
I have sat with this man more than twice and walked around with his shirt on, selling his nutes.
I never knew this.


Whats agt-50, and what does it do?

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Its public record.


Magic juice thread AGT-50


If AGT 50 wasn’t the shit, I’m sure that 99% of the people active on the forums wouldn’t use it in their gardens (Whether commercial, or home.)


Surprised no one has mentioned Nectar of the Gods. Our head of cultivation swore by their product line


Nectar is a good line and their founder is extremely knowledeable. Their liquid calcium is the only one like it.


I prefer dry amendments only. Light mix and top dresses.


Hemp starts do just fine with calcium nitrate injected into the irrigation water. I use a cheap hozon brand siphon injector. The cal nitrate is a very highly available nitrogen.

I started out with osmocote pelleted. It is great for tomatoes and peppers but sucks for hemp.

A friends greenhouse used just happy frog for potting their seedlings, and they did fine. I think it is the worm casings that make it work. It does wash out over time with a lot of watering.

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