The First-Ever Disposable Dab Pen is Here

lmao thanks for helping me get a job :rofl: I didn’t even know that I am a part of them, then they should pay me…if @artrixglobal saw this, my reply is worth 10 bucks

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so I’m assuming these things aren’t even in production yet if they don’t even have a product weight.

probably why no one has received a sample yet either.

Why is this even a thread here this shit is for custies

you know whose money fuels this industry, right…?

This place is angled at producers. You don’t see puffco and carta making threads

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This thread got 500 replies

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yeah producers who sell shit to… custies.

That’s a discussion, not an ad. Still seems out of place to me. Maybe if the product didn’t look like shit I’d feel different

So have you got the samples or still waiting? Looking forward to your feedback.

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Nope. And I misspoke. We paid for 100, not samples.

What pricing you got?

Not sure, I’m not the purchaser. Probably $4? $7? I can ask

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See, at THAT price, this thing would sell, in my opinion.
Yeah, it might be a piece, but people buy cheaply made shit alllllllll the damn time.

A lot of people would buy this for $20 to avoid buying a whole rig/enail/torch/whatever

I believe it’s only a half gram. Was thinking the device plus half gram of live for $50 or something

What do you mean? I was under the impression it could vape as much concentrate as you can put in it… it’s rechargeable.
or you mean it can only hold a half gram at a time?

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Depending on the design & how the chamber functions, not sure you’d want to load that much anyway since you’re bound to affect the taste after the first hit or two.

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yeah for sure, I would just put a dab in there at a time. putting a half gram in there seems nutty

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It is definitely meant to be preloaded which is why it’s disposable. There is a cap.

This 1k word substitute looks like “load 1/2g, and carry the other 1/2 with you”.


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Right but you could just preload it with like 1-2 dabs, rather than a whole half gram. Basically just use it as a portable dab rig is what I’m saying.
and it’s rechargeable, so you could just do this over and over until its bowl/nail is chazzed. to me, that is more appealing than filling it up as much as you can, and cooking the majority of your concentrate.

I understand what you’re saying, it can only hold a half G at a time.
I just wouldn’t use it that way if it were me. I’d just treat it as a little dab rig and put much smaller amounts in there at a time than a half gram.