The CBD Industry is under attack by the DEA!


Yes there a 3 cases from Georgia so a non legal state. You have to remember if you can convince one juror that a felony is a serious crime and that .marijuana doesnā€™t fit th t description tou have won. All you need is one juror sympathetic to the cause


Thatā€™s not a guarantee lol, Iā€™ll give you more and more people are changing their minds on it.

I maybe nitpicking here, but I donā€™t like things stated as fact that arenā€™t facts!

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We will have to agree to disagree. It is a fact do some research of tour own be
fore you form a conclusion.

I know how to use googleā€¦

No need to try to throw shade because I disagree lol.

Edit: fix your damn typos if your gonna act high and mighty, jesus.

I am not action high and mighty lol calm down bud

Just pointing out That you formed your conclusion after 5 minutes of research if that hurt your ego thatā€™s on you

The laws on the books are still valid. Thatā€™s how I took 5 minutes to respond.

I get it, everyone wants things to be rosy, but laws are still applicable and all it takes in 12 people to disagree with you.

Anyway, apologies if I mistook things.

We can amicably agree to disagree!


That is so inaccurateā€¦ there is more money in hemp than cannabisā€¦ sure there may be more money going into the THC market due to licensing and permits. But other than that, hemp is such a larger market than thcā€¦ fuck cbdā€¦ hemp has way more uses than just smoking/consuming

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True that. Maybe there is a silver lining if this gets more farmers to pivot to doing something more productive with their crops. And more industrial processing to support them.


Iā€™ll open blast fasho


It was a joke at first butā€¦

All fun and games till DHS decides youā€™re wielding a pipe bombā€¦

No your honor, that was not a Molotov, it was toluene, ptosic acid, and CBD in that glass containerā€¦I was exercising my (farm bill given) right to Isomerizeā€¦


Yea like photovoltaic cells that can be created with CBD

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CBD derived?

or hemp derived graphene?!?


There is something to do with the CBD quinones, which show photochemical activities.


Heā€™s talking about the hemp derived graphene i believe. Not from CBD but rather the stalks.

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CBD quinones in a photovoltaic? Thatā€™s funny. Thereā€™s a reason plant photosynthesises doesnā€™t use cannabinoids


In the plant, these fonction rather as sun screen, antifongic, antibacterian, and/or antigel.
I donā€™t think there is much quinone in the living plants.

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Regarding jury nullification, it does happen, but it is not allowed to be in the juryā€™s instructions. As an attorney, if you tell the jury they have that right, the judge will threaten you with contempt of court and possible jail. My criminal procedure textbook was 2 inches thick and had one tiny paragraph about nullification. When the professor skipped over it, I stopped him to ask about it, and he practically screamed at me to never talk about it again. The topic makes judges and lawyers very angry.