THCx (THC-x) New Cannabinoid?

Hey Everyone,

Has anyone heard of THCx ? Do you know the scientific name? Does it even exist?

I have a customer asking me for it in standards for their lab. I’m not finding it on anything other then a vape company site and a weird MayoClinic site referring to it as already consumed cannabis.

Thanks if you know something

It’s just dabs that identify as non binary

You take regular dabs to a west coast liberal college town and leave them for a semester and then pick them back up


My thought is that it’s just a marketing idea. The same way a few guys were labeling their HHC carts “HXC”. Not positive but that was the first thought that jumped to mind!


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Could be referring to the number of carbons on the alkyl group
For example THC-(V) with a 3 carbon alkyl chain
THC-(B) 4 carbon chain
THC 5 carbon chain
THC-(H) 6 carbon chain
THC-(P) 7 carbon chain


I would guess exo-THC but maybe I am out of the loop

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So my manufacture recommended the exo-THC which I found by absolute standards & cerriliant already as well. But the original vape company site did get back to me about the THC-x they are using saying it is these 3 esters:

1.Acetoacetic 2. Butyric 3. Isovaleric

FrozenFields_THCX_Introduction-1-1.pdf (531.5 KB)

Thanks for your input - seems like marketing but we shall see.

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Oh ok so delta 8


Sounds like someone seriously fucked up a synthesis and decided to market it as a new cannabinoid.


I can’t wait to try the new variant of gas station poop soup.

Not sure, but I think THC-X is a marketing name for Delta-10-THC

marketing for sure, no even sure what cannabinoid it is suppose to be.


At least it’s from hemp…
Kind of

FrozenFields_THCX_Introduction-1-1.pdf (531.5 KB)

Its just d8thc in 3 different forms to control the experience you receive duhhhh!

“THCP and bug guts look no further we took Hemp and chemistry and cheap d8 and did another magic trick!”

Never mind that it is fresh frozen :sweat_smile: live resin d8thc “esthers”

As a chemist this is how i would read it as well. Just an undefined alkane tail.


When in doubt it’s probably low purity D8.


Or a halogenated species. Pray to god its not that.


It could be radioactive THC emiting X-rays. :grimacing: :skull:


I trust the good Doc on this one.

Which means I will be staying far, far away.

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