THCV Isolate

Went from THCv to the future 4200 fight club

Work this shit out in the dm’s. Or even better, meet up in person and have an actual conversation.


Happened so quick too haha

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Still waiting on COA as well.

Not trying to be a dick to OP @A11710 about it at all, but we as a community try our best to make assertions or claims based on facts/evidence. Many of us are excited about advances in THCV and we should be collaborative and friendly about it as much as possible.


DM me for COA. Not posting it publicly out of respect to the lab. The picture in the original post is 98.5% D8-THCV shelf stable crystals.


Out of curiosity, do you have an indication for the price / g from D8-THCV? Curious about the pricing of THCV in general but I guess it’s still to early.

$60-$80 depending on volume. It’s a special cannabinoid

I’ll take about 3.5gr for… Research


Any update on pricing for THCV? The best edibles/sublinguals I’ve ever had were Level Blend’s THCV offering and also have loved Doug’s Varin, so definitely looking to do some R&D with a few grams.

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We have some THCV rich disty right now that has around 6.5%, but we are of course working on getting more of the THCV isolate that we have access to.

I will ping the thread when we have a COA and some pricing for higher content stuff.

Stay safe.

  • Krinkle

Wanted to post something cool that I learned the other day regarding THCV. Apparently D9-THCV is an unstable molecule and will degrade into D8-THCV over the period of a week, even sooner.

I am looking for hard research outlining this but have had two chemists explain it to me.

Would be cool to try the effects of D9-THCV while it was still in that form.

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So sexy.

COA coming soon.


Do you know if D9THCVA is the active form in fresh flower? I would assume this would be the case,

Flower certainly produces it, but the molecule still degrades into D8-THCV. I guess if you got it within the threshold you might be able to experience it.

I also don’t know if any labs are making distinctions between D9-THCV and D8-THCV atm. I might give Proverde a call this week out of curiosity, they’ve done our Varin testing in the past.

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OP crystals are D8-THCV

I have only seen “THCV” on flower test results myself, never different isomers. Highest I’ve ever seen in flower was 1.1% on a weird Jack Herer that the cultivation center held onto. It always had about 0.5%-1%. Curious if there’s a noticeable distinction between D8-THCV and D9-THCV. If anyone has tested THCV they can part with a small amount for research purposes… get at me. Been eager to try this one for a while

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This is the truest statement I’ve read. I got sick with the idea of how much money you could make with this.


Call it:

Skinny Vapes
Guilt-Free Giggles: Slimming Strawberry Sorbet
Munchie Blocker: Elegant Fat Loss Vapor Device

I can see the packaging now
Vaporize Your Fat with THCV“

“Don’t burn your calories! Vape them :yum:

Coming soon in sucralose-based low calorie KETO gummies!


bump on delta 8 vs 9. Anyone already got any insight in that matter(stability, conversion in time, etc.)?

please tell me where to buy.

Thank you.

I am the person you would have to buy from since I have an agreement with producer to run sales/fulfillment directly through me.

I will have an updated pricing sheet this week hopefully.