THCV Isolate

This is what i mean.
This is why this group is getting so far off path.
What a joke

Ya I spend over 1800$ on an r&d piece ao people can have safe meds even if they use unsound methods
And tell some clown it may cost 1500 which is $358 dollars or whatever below what I pay to even do the r&d cost just on materials and you wanna blast on that.
Iā€™m gonna go on hiatus from this website for a while

Good luck everyone with the killa gang hope it works out

Is that a quote for 10 filters?

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You really think we are fcking around out here
Get with the reality
U talking shit sideways with the wrong team playing on the wrong team :expressionless::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::no_good_man::man_shrugging:

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Just asked s question based on the info given.


Read all that again and Iā€™m out man.
I hope you guys start putting in your time and money to Level Up the industry

Like you already said and Hov said,
I donā€™t got time to argue with foolsā€¦people from a far canā€™t tell who is who.

Well, thereā€™s real life shit. Not this fake internet big willie bs.

Killa you turned an ally into a never gonna talk to you. Coulda put you on when your little hustle dries up.
End of the day, never gonna stop innovation and dedication to making this industry better and people safe. My boy that died from cancer is always my motivation!
Fuck your bullshit

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@Indofab @Soxhlet is this guy on your team? Whatā€™s happening?


No my name is on the invoice and I have a lot of talent on adobe photoshop.
I also live at holiday inn express.
I thought you were in Michigan? Come to dinner tonight in Ann Arbor

We invest so much time and resources towards development of better and safer and NEW tech that its crazy.
I really wish people could see all the time it really takes and effort.
You would have so much adoration and respect :fist:



Thatā€™s putting in your :moneybag:???

Wait 25k? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I think I have spent more with killa. Shit doing R&D with Killa the consultant blew out a filter paper and ruined 2kg of concentrate(40k). :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:


Thatā€™s not r&d
Setting up a lab with off the shelf equipment isnā€™t r&d lol omg Ok man Iā€™m for real out


Iā€™m in Lansing, had I known a day or two earlier I might have been able to make it.


What did you end up getting? Always keep 25k in the sock drawer for when your bored


My bro open your mind. This is why I tried to make it easy with the WRX analogy. Why the F would I do R&D when I dont sell equiptment??? Why would killa when all he is doing is taking someoneā€™s brand and turning a profit???


No shit. I have a real business I have a real life people can look up and here you are that cant answer simple questions about you and your affiliation to some of these companies.

Broā€¦this is not a lot of money! Geez im giving like $1000 a week back to just the glg it seems. LOL 25K i bought more in T41 then that shit. LOL

I dont need allies like you. I have people here like @bg305 putting real people on. You are soo outta line. Try to go out of your way to talk down on me. Your just jealous! MY HUSTLE NEVER DRIES UP. IM AN ENTREPRENEUR! I change businesses like underwear. This is a passion hobby. You got my undivided attention!

You could have had an alley but you talk reckless and now you have to deal with it. Once againā€¦I am innovating. Im bring real business margins to the cannabis industry. SOMETHING TILL NOW WAS IGNORED!!!

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

How many time did you stay you were out @anon86230761? You remind me of the kid that loses in a sport and stomps his feet all the way home. This is my perception of this whole arguement! Keep stomping them feet bro! :sob: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


This just straight :clown_face: shit guys. Wow.


I would like to acquire from you pls and TY.

Alright so whoā€™s shipping out dabs of THCV to the forumā€¦ human trials phase 1: Good Life Gang


Is this dumpster fire out yet?


99% might be a stretch with that much color. otherwise, COA or NMR?