THCV Isolate

I’m hearing conflicting information from chemists about the stability of D9-THCV. One claims it quickly degrades into D8-THCV. I am waiting on the research that he claims it comes from.


I have kept THCV standard for long time (several month) without seing much degradation.
I does eventually happen, but as for most dilute standards of other canabinoids,

I don’t know how it is for isolate. Do you observe any change of texture or color with time ?


Fresh into media jars its clear as water almost. But it oxidizes within a few hours to a yellowish color, and then to a dark amber.

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@krinkle I hope the THCV quality from is good.

It should be a orange/amber. Your pack has been in the mail and should arrive today to tomorrow I believe. Send some pics of it for science :slight_smile:

Ha it is a sort of distillate, a fluid.
If it is clear, it is normal that the color rapidly change.

It is not necessary degradation, but could be trace contaminant that turn colored. You don’t need that much to promote notable coloration, few .% is already sufficient.

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Its as solid as rock candy. Here is a shot of like 80G it broken down into chunks/crystals. And another photo of it heated up moderately, at which point its the same consistency as heating up rock candy. Can confrim, THCV is rock candy.


I sorry I misread. I understood it was a clear, like a distillate.

This are very interesting properties. :thinking:

Does it has any smell ?

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Clear and rock solid, stored under nitrogen.

As soon as its heated and exposed to air, you will begin to see a hue change, 30mins-1hour

Longer than that it will end up like the shot above, and wont get any darker.

Yeah it is likely like it get tanned, help by light, and then it stops, like protected.

Have you try to expose it to air, but in a dark atmosphere, to see the difference ?

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I have plenty to throw around for testing. But will need to start with a clear batch, adding this to the lists of tests.


When is it gonna be available on your site?


Probably in a couple months based on his order turnaround.

hempdrop = group buy, you wait a long time, this is actually a condition of the groupbuy. = when its actually on hand, goes out asap.

Since I have it on hand, and nobody will be ordering it from hempdrop…

It will be shipped as fast as any other LULA order.

We understand you have been waiting a while for your THCV and have posted as much, but its not something you can just pick up off a shelf, there are lead times, delays, more delays, its just how it is with rare shit.


Thanks for pushing the envelop on bringing isolated varins to market. There are no quick wins in the innovation game.

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Lol I’d wait a year for a oz of some fucking pure THCV!!!


DM me we’ve got it readily available


Still for sale?

Some will go up tomorrow on LULA.

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Another interesting anecdote that I wanted to share was the color of CBDV isolate. From what I am seeing it appears the varin noids are “darker” than their pentyl counterparts. The CBDV isolate although close to pure has a similar yellow tinge to it.

Another note that I mentioned in DM to you @Dr_Jebril is that Proverde is apparently confusing a THCV isomer for CBD(getting more data on this), even in the older batch of THCV isolate that I had it showed CBD even though there was none in the source. Its possible that the CBD isolate might also have that isomer, showing as CBD, but its more likely just CBD from the source material it was derived from. Either way this has me thinking a ton, until we can get everything studied further. Lots of study to be done on the propyls.

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