Terrible yield--what am I doing wrong

Ahh you have valves on both sides of the column before freezing it? Do you run multiple tubes per run?

I feel its somewhere in the temps thats causing the gas not to flow.

In my experience yeilds are based on how much gas is passed threw or soaked in the material or low grade material. Tons of factors in the outcome but yeild normally boils down to material quality and volume of gas.

The volume of gas can be greatly effected by temps in a passive system as well as the volume of your honey pot, fuel tank and column. Many companies sell a column to big for the honey pot and fuel tank.

Sorry that I don’t have a clear answer for you but I’d bet its temp or volume, possibly both.

Wait, why are there 2 valves on top of the column and none on the honey pot? Or am I seeing it wrong?

Hey I appreciate man. On valve on top of the column is for injection, the other is for column recovery, so I could recover the column without recovering the honey pot. There’s a 1/2 recovery line behind the honey pot

I’ve never seen anyone recover from the column, is that something someone here taught?
Have you tried to pass all the gas threw to the honey pot and just recover from there?

You’re not doing anything wrong. %5 yield on FF material is very good standard.

Think about it, 70-80%, closer to 80% of that plant matter is water weight that doesn’t do anything for you. You need to run 5lbs of frozen to equal the dry weight of 1lb dry. Do your yields on that number and you’re pushing 20%+.


When in doubt use more solvent

If that doesn’t work soak it then crc it. Works every time half of the time.


No, just thought it’d make it easier to isolate the column for recovery before switching tubes. So far my recovery process has been going well

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It’s 5% after compensating for water weight, 1.5% before :confused:

Try not recovering from the column one run and see how it goes. Run time is going to go way up but thats when you start working on your temps.

Like @anon16547145 said on FF 5% is good, on dry material thats way low though.

I’ll give her a go, but it’s 1.5% non compensated for FF. 1036g frozen to 16g badder

I would fucking shit…


Fuckin tell me about it


Start there, I promise it wont lower your yeild. Please let me know how it goes.

I get 3.5 to 4.5 on FF

12-17 on dry

Some material just sucks tho


Do a dry run with fresh solvent and higher solvent:material ratio. Try a 10 minute soak.

Report back.

Recovering your solvent from the material at the end of the run should have nothing to do with yields.

Edit: reread the first post for clarification


Shouldn’t I be worried about lipids getting into the honey pot if I heat the jacket on my column while it’s not separated from the honey pot? I’m not solely recovering from the column, I run a tube, isolate it, recover it. Then swap tubes, isolate, then recover from the 1/4"on top of my column, and the 1/2" on my pot simultaneously


I wish. I’m getting 1.5% and 5% respectively

I will do this. I’ll also pack less densely. I am using n2 @ ~50psi on the tank, and normally cut it off before building much if any pressure in the collection

If your material column is not cold enough you will get boil off in there and it will leave what you want behind.
Run a shower after your soak to rinse out what u are leaving behind.