Terpenes are more important than cannabinoids

Lol ok thanks :roll_eyes:

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If you’re degrading your monoterpenes to the point that you’re forming acetone or other solvents then you have much bigger things to worry about than your cleaning SOP. They simply do not form under normal conditions.


yeah but then how do I insert myself into a discussion pretending I know more than everyone else and refuse to tell?


While terpenoids might not degrade to acetone under normal conditions, they damn will in the end of an electrospray needle.

is THAT how one gets HHC on to flower?!?


Hello, @DarrilDevil , thank you for sharing so much useful knowledge and contributing to Future4200 families.

In your article, I saw you wrote" Terpenes are very delicate and require extreme care for their aromas and flavors to be preserved correctly. High temperatures and high pressure, either combined or separate, lead to the breakdown of the terpene chemical structure. ", I totally agree with your point of view.

Proper vaporization temperature is very important to retain terpenes flavors, high vape temps will ruin cannabis oil, we have figured this out with our Low-temp Vaporization Solutions. I created a new topic to introduce our Low-temp Vaporization.

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Israel has some of the most scientifically advanced cannabis research on the planet. This Israeli researcher gave at TED talk about 4 years ago that may tend to dispute your assertion (and since then Israeli scientists have made some more amazing discoveries. you should look them up)-


This is a great video, but he never once mentions terpenes or any other polyphenols. He strictly talks about cannabinoids.

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So no one has heard of Dr. Ethan Russo’s work on this from like a decade ago?

iTs JuSt BrO sYeNtS

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It is bro science. Pharmacology is real science. Like I said above… all science points to terpenes interacting with a totally different set of systems than cannabinoids. You can’t put ear plugs in, and say they turned the volume down. They made you experiance the noise differently but they didn’t really change it at all, and they actually have nothing to do with the sound at all.


So the entourage effect is real or no?

The thing is when you distill and pulling terps off you will pull off some of those cannabinoids he’s talking about. And I say this is a person who makes his living distilling. If your concern is purely recreational and nothing to do with therapeutics then it doesn’t matter.

It is not real. 1:42:30 you can actually listen to an expert touch on the subject, and start your own journey. You can tweet @samuel_b_phd on Twitter and he’ll probably respond.

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Does anyone remember Dr. Mark Scialdone talking about the entourage effect on Hash Church a couple years ago?

I thought he said something about how the non-polar nature of the terpenes helps open up some type of pathway through the blood-brain barrier that facilitates easier passage of THC.

Does that ring a bell with anyone?


We can all argue until we are blue in the face until we have the actual data.

Until then experience tells me I enjoy terpenoid-associated fractions with my cannabinoid fraction.


10 years ago people would suggest mangos and lemongrass would provide enough myrcene to help thc penetrate the blood brain barrier further than without. It seems pretty obvious to me that terpenes act as a vehicle to help deliver the cannabinoids to different places it couldn’t travel as a solid state vs a solution.



Real world experience definitely points toward magnification of effects with both present.


These are not analytic devices though. It’s just a fancy diffuser.


Good bot


Terpenes are the primary constituents of essential oils and are responsible for the aroma characteristics of cannabis. Together with the cannabinoids, terpenes illustrate synergic and/or entourage effect and their interactions have only been speculated in for the last few decades. Hundreds of terpenes are identified that allude to cannabis sensory attributes, contributing largely to the consumer’s experiences and market price . Terpenes Flavors to The People!