Be careful with overfilling. May or may not be too big of an issue with butane but in principle you can enter the regime where “hydrostatics” rule and you may actually exceed the pressure the holding tank is designed for.
Yeah, I got a scale after that one…
Vurry scurry
how do you tell how full it is without weighing it? just picking it up? or it has windows?
Why the fuck would you ever run without a scale I’ll never know
When you get a new empty tank, attach your hardware and weigh the tank to get its tare-weight. The tank typically has its volume stamped somewhere. As you fill it, preferably using a scale, use the density of butane (0.6 kg/L or 5 lb/gallon) to ensure you don’t exceed that volume.
i know, i was asking op who assumes its 1/4 full . Im ghetto and just run my whole tank each time.
Yeah, we may be enabling, but hopefully we are educating as well. I feel most here weren’t born with all the skills and knowledge, but had to start somewhere. Also, I think most here came to learn and improve.
When someone is seeking more knowledge, it makes me think they want to improve. If they weren’t interested in improving, why would they ask questions?
It can be difficult to offer advice to someone who may be up to some sketchy stuff. Nobody wants to help someone blow themselves up. What drives me to offer advice, especially if it can improve their safety, is the fact that they will probably proceed with their operations, regardless of if they learn anything new or not.
Nothing wrong with calling someone out if you feel they are being unsafe. In fact, we should do that. It also helps to give advice to improve, if appropriate.
it is a good example of “natural selection” at work. The problem is there has been such 100% certainty in previous threads. It is a good thing there are those experienced around that shed light on the inexperience for those that are inexperienced. The really scary thing is some of the lack of knowledge an aloof attitude.
Okay cool, I’m not the only one who thinks this is foolish…
I agree @BigM everybody has to start somewhere, but before you start slinging stainless steel, you need to have some level and foundation of understanding. His questions are fundamental questions you should have answers to before you ever start cranking levers, this dude is safer open blasting FFS.
Not saying rookie mistakes shouldn’t or won’t get made. Gotta learn some how, but this isn’t even rookie, this is a dude who doesn’t even know the game he is playing.
I was thinking… maybe a hanging scale that could double as a wind chime hanger
very affordable at $10.58… we don’t need no stinking refrigerant scale
Psh, it’s digital, too fancy. Just as you hang it up, guess how much is in that baby.
refrigerant scale has an alarm to let you know when youve filled it right?
Not the one I multipurposed as a shipping scale.
Sizing equipment to solvent throughput does eliminate need for scales… That is, until the APCD comes knocking.
i stand on a scale and then pick up the container. But like I said, my collection can hold the full tank so i just do that. Im buying pure n butane next time too.
Is this the same poster who EVEN THUMPER said was in over their head before??? I learned the hard way with burns and a scar on my back. took like 6 years off extracting… I still run dangerous but whatever… Its so hot outside I should be putting garbage cans of water out to soak heat to use. I think ill mostly use the trs 21. I dont run often.
my most dangerous thing was running a suese vide near a collection??? that was dumb. I had a constant airflow from a big fan but still if the air fuel somehow gets flammable and somehow theres a spark im dead.
Oh man, sorry to hear that. I’m glad you have recovered and learned to be more safe. I can’t keep all the new members straight, but I know I’ve seen some of them that seem to be advancing on their safety and skills.
The way I see it, if we don’t at least try to set dangerous actors straight, they will get their info somewhere else. There may or may not be people who care offering advice at some other site. Do the uneducated or ignorant deserve less access to solid safety advice?
I surely don’t know all the answers, but I do care and hope anyone coming here for advice listens to those who really know what’s up.
You can tell people everything in the world man, you can not understand it for them.
This dude needs full blown hand holding, until he’s correlated the information sort of cohesively, he has a bunch of individual data points.
It’s the missing correlation thats the troubled one.
I don’t think he should be removed or anything, but he needs to take a step back and hit some books. He’s putting his ignorance on others shoulders here. And you should never rely on others for your safety. Your safety always has, and always will rest on you.
Sorry if I seems I am producing counter points @BigM I do believe in bringing people out of their ignorance (I know I got mine to work on, I am not some all knowing creature)
I refuse to enable people such as these scenarios, simply because, that’s more dangerous and ignant, than hurting some feelings. I’d rather tell an honest truth than a comfortable lie here.
Homie needs to understand why there are standards, what they are, and how to implement them.