if your tapping cans. and there is solvent left in the cans wouldnt the majority of that be butane, if that much propane and iso was in the cans… wouldnt those come off first…
Same way the food you buy can be called organic when it’s not.
Because it is known that pure butane simply doesn’t work in a lighter in Vladivostok so every body adds iso and propane.
maximum pressure allowed
Yea but it can’t say 99.9 percent organic ingredients and then only have 50 percent organic ingredients
That still doesn’t seem legal
The butane we used was 99.9% pure. So was the propane and the iso-butane…and for fucks sake, we printed up a sheet with all that shit on it…
I see your point, but the fact remains, this is how it is done…
Wow that crazy
Pressure issues went away tho so maybe I was having a combination of issues . Gonna be switching to shop bvv tanks on 100 percent butane , hopefully that’s not a lie to . Assuming all cans must have a propane mix in them ?
Wow . Is there a reason they all choose to lie and pretend there’s no propane in them ?
So you won’t question it and will use it for your lighters or extraction. Which clearly worked.
you think your blasting your bud with tapped cans of mystery tane is? calm down about it kid.
There’s a little bit of propane in a lot of butane cans, it helps give it more pressure. When I was running butane I would never see my pressures go above 20 PSI even with the shatter platter like 100F
While I do not recommend, is your PRV adjustable? If so easiest solution to remove would be adjust it to ntane “resting pressure” at your ambient temp IN A SAFE AREA*
If you’re newly distilled “butane” was from the same source, you’re going to run into this problem again. distilling solvent does just that, and propane has a much lower bp…ie higher vapor pressure. You will always end up with propane in your fresh solvent, and a slower distillation time!
The way I read it, they are pledging that there is less than 0.01% substances considered a contaminant present.
Here is a list of things I found in lighter butane:
With regard to the original question, if you transfer that mix as a liquid, it stays a liquid, but if you open the vapor valve on the tank, it will fractionally distill, with the propane coming off first.
I opine that the difference in pressure is most likely that the two mixes are not the same.
Thank you for the help !
All the threads this guy starts scare the fucks outta me. I’d say we are enabling when we contribute to these types of threads.
Someone might have answered this already but what you are seeing is the total pressure as a sum of partial pressures; The vapor pressure of the butane plus whatever other gas, typically air, that has been pushed into your recovery tank.
This can be avoided by making sure you evacuate your closed-loop system before extraction and recovery of solvent.
Or, if you keep an eye on your tank pressure and feel it is too high, you may gently vent your tank in few-seconds bursts. Air is much lighter than butane and you will notice the tank pressure going down between the venting bursts.