Summit pig filter

It’s ridiculous. I will say, there is a few things here and there that had to be modified to work with what we do, but that’s really it. Every industry uses what we do, we’re just loading the equipment with a difference substance and that magically makes it more expensive. I have buddies that weld heat exchangers, that they crawl into to weld. We’re tiny on the production scale.


Indeed. My day job, we use equipment in the o&g and petrochemical industry that is a fraction of the cost of comparable process equipment in the cannabis world. With the prices of biomass plummeting it wont be much longer where these prices have to equalize or everything will be bought from China lol


Locally made will always have a market. Depending on what it is, I’m all about it. Other things, I see no use paying upwards of a thousand for something that I can get for $100 and get the same results. I’m with you completely

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Simple youtube search: here is Elliot demoing the PIG with the new ram. Part 1 of 2. It does look fast. And it seems very capable of inning winterized at high speeds. PIG Filter Winterization Part 1 - YouTube

your mom looks like a filter press


Thanks jay, I’ve seen that video. I was looking to find someone besides Elliot that has used one.

After looking around on IG, the filter pig still leaks even with the 6,000lb press.

Damn that’s no good. Hit up they have filter presses that work!


@710dabtek have you used the filter yet? Did you guys get one out there with all those shiny sexy toys you have now

If you have ever used a filter press, they are designed to leak. Even with o-ring filter bags, they leak a bit. Just collect it and add it back the the filtrate. Adding too much pressure to the stack can actually crimp the filter bags and cause more leaks. You want to talk to filter press experts, call H.W watermark. They have been doing this for almost 100 years I think.

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Would be nice to have a collection tray angled back towards the feed tank. Autocycling perhaps.


Here are some other options, from the wine industry:

I bought a cartridge filter from these guys.


This site has some options as far as filtration and many other applicable accessories:

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I bought the Smoky Lake maple filter press which is who manufactures the summit PIG. Mine has 3 filter windows. We are extracting hemp at -10C and have limited fats while Still pulling chlorophyll. Using a 20micron paper with a DE/ AC cake, it removes all chlorophyll while leaving behind some residual AC. One more polishing filtration staging 10 and 3 micron papers with DE only it cleans it up to a nice yellow color.


Just checked them out, seems to be the exact sane thing. I sont do enough to justify getting the pig but the smaller version on smoky’s page dor 1200 ifs alot more reaonable. How easy is it ro get papers, and what micron do they go down to. I currently filter down to 1micron

You won’t be disappointed. I bought the hand pump version to test it out and it works wonders. You can buy 20, 10, & 3 micron from smoky. Will be upgrading to more plates and a diaphragm pump eventually or a larger filter press system when we scale up.

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Do you still use the hand pump for the $1200 filter press? If not how do you move around the solution?

Still using hand pump. We’re typically doing 15-30 gallons at a time. It will slow down eventually if you have a lot of fats etc otherwise it works fine and you get a little tricep workout.

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Is carbon not plug pump ? What ratio of carbon do use? And what sop for carbon for this particular press?

We use about 4 cups AC and 4 cups DE mixed together in roughly a 3 gallon slurry of Etoh. Keep the intake and outtake hose in the slurry bucket and pump until most of the DE/ AC is in the press. When the outtake slurry is coming out clear, move the outtake hose to your collection carboy and pump all of your solvent thru.


The smoky lake people are real nice!! but they will not have support for cannabis related extracts.

Their diaphragm pump is setup with the correct internals to handle alcohol and movement at cryo temperatures.

OreganicIndustries how significant was your seepage through the plates?

Was thinking, i have a small adjustable table top Hydraulic bearing press that would fit well over the plates.