Sucker/hard candy recipe

200 grams corn syrup
3032 grams of white sugar
3 cups water
2 grams Cream of tartar
16ml capalla flavor
Tools needed
16 quart stock pot with round sides
Digital thermometer
Depositing funnels
Sucker/candy molds

In stock pot place 2 cups of water, corn syrup, and sugar.
Place pot on heating element and place on medium heat
Add 1 cup of water on top of the mixture in the pot, put the lid on the pot.
Once the solution becomes liquid add 2 grams of tartar and increase the heat to high, replace the lid
Remove the lid only after the solution has become clear and the sides are free of granulated sugar, if granules a present wash them down with a syringe full of water.
Place the thermometer in the solution and cook to 265f
At 265f add the coloring do not stir the pot
Allow the solution to cook to 300f
At 300f turn off the heat
Allow the solution to cool to 295 and add the distillate do not stir
At 290 add the flavoring and gently stir with a stainless whisk solution should come together easily.
Once incorporated poor solution into depositing funnels and fill the molds


:blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:Blueberry cheesecake :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


This tickles me pink. In the past I made a few hundred thousand suckers. Back then I was using straight wax and magnasweet to mask the bitter after taste. I made a version with 200mg of caffeine which were very popular.


Nice write up. You should be able to do away with your water and up your CS content. This could reduce your over all cook time since you won’t be boiling off so much water.


You are correct. I run the water a little high and the CS low it was my way of dealing with greasy distillate, had some major issues back in the day with cold flow. Running mostly D8 now so most of those problems have gone away. Thank you for checking it out.


No problem man, keep up the good work.

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Figured I throw in a comment… These suckers are awesome! They taste amazing, can’t taste any tincture, and just all around nice sucker. I’ve only had a couple of other types of hard infused candy, and this is one of the tops!


how many suckers does this recipe yield typically ? how many mg can you load without consistency issues ? Nice work, they look fire

156 suckers with a 16-20 gram average. when using below 80% tac I shoot for 15mg mainly because of flavor issues, if at 95% tac 30mg is perfect.


How the heck do you pour 150 suckers… before your mix hardens up… we were able to only accomplish 24 pours before the mix hardened up on us. Sure you could use a heated depositor, but that’s not what it looks like you are using…

I’m intrigued…

FYI… the pour and scrape works like a champ… we were able to increase our recipe X20


@3star_extraction suckers are solid. Even the cinnamon one was fire (and usually I’m not a fan of cinnamon stuff)


the funnels are not heated, we just go real fast. the candy hits the funnel at around 280f and with two people filling mold where done in about 8 min I’m guessing. when I’m working alone I cut the batch in half mostly because I cant wrap them before the next batch is done and it jacks up my rhythm. when you say pour and scrape do mine like traditional candy where you use a big table and press the suckers on a stick.

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Have you guys seen the candies like this? You could probably use the same recipe.

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im glad you liked them, we keep about 10k suckers in stock so any time I ship a package I put in a couple suckers as a surprise.


you absolutely can make these unfortunately I lack the talent. Its hard for me to get the weights consistent so my mg’s where off.

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10mg lozenges using traditional gummy molds


This is my next project - I’m looking at heated tables for this and some pull bars.

So cool… but by the looks of how they cut 'em it’s going to be a bitch getting a standard dose.


I need someone who has a clean space to make them for me

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Nice what makes it a lozenge vs candy?

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Looks like you have the correct molds, for pour and scrape…

60mg each can’t tast the distillate, but they do leave a disty film on your teeth…