Stainless steel nuts?

Seems to me that go/no-go gauges should be standard equipment for a CLS

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I have only used those when setting up ar’s to check the headspace. Probably not even the same thing…Care to elaborate more?

Looking it up too.

Brass seems to be a down grade
I’m looking for the best of the best…
Gold nuts. Much softer…

All jokes aside… take care of your nuts… like they were your own…


Not sure if I’m supposed to use anti-seize or anti-itch…


They make thread gauges for just about any size, they tell you if the thread is worn beyond spec/no good

Looks like plug gauge is the proper term


Thanks man. Appreciate the info.

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Another benefit of the silicon bronze vs the regular brass is the material shedding factor. Micro brass bits everywhere or not.

Ditch the brass and get some bronze!


Yep. Silicon bronze and brass both have self lubricating properties, but silicon bronze is harder and creates less shavings. Also more resistant to corrosion.

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I agree, thats why I was surprised when the stainless threads popped. lesson learned that if you ever have a issue taking clamps off and it binds it may damage threads.

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i use the nuts on he clamp as they come from china. I think they are bronze. replacements at home depot say brass I think.

Where do u get the bronze nuts ? And are u saying u coat them i silicon or they come like that ?

You’re confusing silicon and silicone.

Silicon Bronze is copper alloy…as is brass.

Edit: in the spirt of “Those who do study the past are likely to repeat it…”


Thanks for clearing that up!