Spinosad remediation

Hello all, I’ve read through the few posts already regarding this but there didn’t seem to be a definitive answer.

Does anyone have a large scale process for remediating spinosad out of crude? Would it come out in a water wash, if so would i need to add anything specific to the aqueous layer? I do know that it doesnt distill over but i am trying to clean up our oil prior to that. thanks!

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I’m not sure that’s correct. In fact I’m pretty sure that’s not correct…

@Photon_noir what do you think about some Mag-Sil PR?

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I think I’ve read spinosad is pretty photosensitive. Iirc photodegradation will reduce it to its elemental components.


Think that would work on bho with spinosad in it?

You’d probably degrade the cannabinoids too but it might work with bho if it was really diluted.

Google says it’ll last less than a day exposed to light in an aqueous solution. I have no idea if it that would translate to BHO or if the wavelength thats causing photodegradation would be absorbed by any pigments in solution.

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Yeah, MagSil-PR helps for sure… In fact, I wrote a post on using it for Spinosad not too long ago, iirc.


Here is a link to the MSDS
several ways to remove it include filtration thru a Mag Sil PR media bed, isolation via distillation (BP of Sipinosaid is 100c), occlusion using LL extraction, and degradation.
I would start with winterizing the extract, and after filtering out te Fats, oils Ect, pass solution thru a CRC bed of Magsil PR. this should remove 98%+ of contamination IME. the distillation of ethanol from solution will azeotropically distill the Sipinosad with the Water and Ethanol, further reducing the concentration. If it is still in the winterized oil, follow up with a Liquid liquid extraction, dissolve the extract into EtOH, then add water, then add alkane to solution then mix, settle and decant. the sipinosad is water soluble, so should transfer into the aqueous phase with the water and ethanol. Remove alkane solvent, and your contamination should be in the PPM level. if thats still to high, the next step would be to fractionally distill the sipinosad from the extract using a shortpath or WFE. Sipinosaid has a BP of 100c so should distill into the heads / terpene fractions.
Finally, acordint to the MSDS, the Sipinosad can be degraded at a rate of a half life (rate which 50% degrades in presene of light ) with a PH of 7, in under a day. IE 100 PPM will degrade to 50PPM after exposed to light for 24 hr. with Anerobic soil, this is increased to 17 days (so dont spray in flower) use that for reference in the future, it will be 50% gone after ~2 weeks, ~75% gone in 4 weeks, and ~87.5% gone after 8 weeks
“Based on information for spinosyn A.
The photolysis half-life in pH7 buffer is 0.96 days.
Under aerobic soil conditions the half-life is 9.4 and 17.3 days.
Based on information for spinosyn D.
The photolysis half-life in soil is 9.44 days.
The photolysis half-life in pH7 buffer is 0.84 days.”

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Ive remediated spinosad By doing a first pass then dissolving in heptane and running through magsil then doing a 2nd pass. Not too complicated and can be done at scale

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