hello everyone,
im planning on doing my first distillation soon. I was wondering if anyone had a SOP for a short path distillation system.
hello everyone,
im planning on doing my first distillation soon. I was wondering if anyone had a SOP for a short path distillation system.
Summit has a few free very detailed ones.
I’ve seen the good life gang ones and they are just like the ones on summit site but more direct and organized but all the information is right on summits site.
I just followed the basic operating procedure here, one thing it doesn’t touch on is vacuum levels however. Do a dry run first and make sure your vacuum is getting down to at least 200 microns before proceeding.
@jdow have you tried the search function?
as in Search results for 'SPD' - Future4200
from memory, the top hit may be all you need…
this one is similar, but probably doesn’t come up with the above search.
suggested googlefu…
Join the gang and get first and second pass SOP man!
…and remember, @future expects those SOP’s to be pirated