"something I made" thread

Electrolysis bath. It’s cast iron soup.


Refining gold? :wink:

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I’ve done a little bit of that :ok_hand:


I’ve always been fascinated by making .99999 good through electrolysis.

So trippy

It’s amazing how little it really takes to plate something.

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I use to watch this dude plate handguns on YouTube lmfao.

I love electricity. That’s why I trade it.


Thats how i take the silver plate off of silver plated stuff. Good lil niche no one charges anything really for the silver plate stuff then i just smelt it.


That’s funny. The reason I learned about electrolysis is because my buddy just had the slide on his 1911 engraved and he was wanting me to blue it for him.

I told him the features he had engraved would look baller if it was in gold. We ended up using his wedding ring (divorced lol) to make the plating solution.


Yeah I don’t think I’d ever plate one of my own guns, but I appreciate them. I like that tactical look where it just looks mean.

I learned about it because I am probably the biggest gold bug ever. My grandparents owned mines and I don’t trust USD as far as I could throw it.


I grew up in CA in the bay. The paisa’s got a whole different style that they like. They want those cartel pieces.

Shit like this is what people will pay for.

download (12)




Yeah the second one is sexy af.

There is a doc about these guy who owns a Mexican restaurant and engraves on the side in Dallas.

I’ll leave the engraving to skilled craftsmen, im only good for the finishing.

Stupid expensive to have a gun manufacturer blue something for you let alone gold plating. This is simple shit that can be done at home but most people don’t trust themselves to get it right.

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There is a really good channel where basically this dude shows you step by step how to do it.

Damn, those are so unappealing to my taste lol


Where I used to work on the neat stuff…they gold plated a fly and we got to look at it under an electron microscope.

While working in the grinding section, we interfaced with the platers frequently because we would grind journals, bearing surfaces, sealing surfaces etc. Then have them plated and we would regrind to size. Same shit in the electric shop when I rebuilt their motors. Anyway…I found a pristine dead dragon fly, and with my bosses permission, got a plater to plate it. I don’t recall if it was nickel or silver but it came out beautifully. Wings and all. We weren’t allowed cameras in our phones there or id have a picture to show you.


Yeah I like my guns how the factory sent em as far as the finish. But if someone brings me their gun and the materials I’m not gonna say no.

Easy $200

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They love those flashy 1911’s

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Local guy that I’ve heard about who does the engraving for these guys also makes ivory grips.

Next time my buddy is around I’ll see if he’ll let me take a picture of his 1911.

I guess there’s big demand for this kind of tacky shit in cali.


Humboldt chapo

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