Solvent tank questions

Question 1:

What should be the psi on a full solvent tank? I run a 60/20/20 essentially (its whip it, so it’s really 54/24/22). Curious because I installed a 75psi pressure relief all over my system a while back and I heard it release for like .5 seconds earlier while the tank was at room temp. Usually my tank will sit around 70 if it’s full at room temp.

Question 2:

Moved from closed column to open loop about a month ago. I dig it, but I feel like maybe I need a larger solvent tank. I’d like to run somewhere between 4 1lb runs and 4 2lb runs a day. Right now I’m using a “30lb tank” that only holds 13.4lbs of my solvent mix. Its a major pain in the ass as I would really like to be able to have one of my tanks on recovery and one for injection, and switch then at the end of the day.

What size tank would you suggest? I usually do a a 3:1 solvent to material, and I just recently started doing a short soak.

Thanks in advance for any input

60/20/20 Butane/isobutane/propane?

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Ur pressure relief valves are set to low they need to be about 125-150psi imo

A trip blend full tank can hit 60-80psi just setting there


Rock on. That’s what I was hoping to hear. I appreciate the input. I was worried since it hadn’t done the PRV (while I was around?? Scary thought) maybe I’d done something stupid.

I’ll be switching out that PRV stat

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I have 2 of these and they work great for the money:
I distill my gas from the main tank to these. I don’t trust the cylinders the gas comes in.
ABLAZE 25 Lb Recovery Tank - -


Does that hold 25lbs of gas or is it a 25# tank water weight?

Lol not sure how I feel about a solvent tank full of explosive gas called “ablaze” on my set up either :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


100lb tanks are standard and can be gotten cheaply


How do you clean a 100lb tank?
My gas comes in a 100lb cylinder but once distilled I would never put it back in the contaminated tank. Might as well not bother distilling the gas.


Holds 25lbs. I think it depends on the gas though as I only put about 22lbs of a mixed blend in them. These style tanks you can actually clean. I cut open a tank my gas comes in and I seen welding slag and other shit ground into the side walls.


Yeah I was totally recommending that he use a gas cylinder as a recovery tank and not one of the dozens of stainless solvent recovery tanks you can find on google.

You can clean them out through the clamp and lid on top. I use iso and a broom stick with a shop rag on it. I have seen tanks that have openings on both ends for ease of cleaning.


Yes the key is you said cheap. Those are over 1k+shipping. Of course I know you can buy expensive 100lb tanks.
Also if I was gonna buy 100lb tank I would buy one with wheels like this-> USA Lab Non Jacketed Solvent Tank - 100LB, 200LB - USA Lab

the first picture I posted is from USA lab and has wheels

Yeah that one was $1700 marked down to $1274 and OOS and discontinued and replaced by a $2200 tank and is only 50lb butane. The one I linked at ASU lab is $1000+shipping and not bad if you want to deal with 100lb tanks. The OSS tank you linked is discontinued and no price but going by the price of the 50lb I am sure it was well over 1k.

How much are the 25lb solvent tanks u speak of I need one

I started recovering halfway through injection…it literally helps pulls what the nitrogen can’t push

Also I don’t vent the nitro off my collection I open recovery then vent it off the solvent tank buried in slurry w a coil before the tank. You can literally just open the valve to bleed nitro from the solvent tank and it bleeds the nitro off the collection pot without losing any gas


I will definitely be looking into this. With that size tank I feel like i would need a chiller opposed to DI?

I used to drop those tanks in totes of dry ice for ghetto chilling

Didn’t need to slurry it and it kept cold


Did u use an injection coil?

Or do u have 2nd stage dewax system?

Just recovery coils after the trs21 trap pumps Coils went into the to dry ice totes too

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What does the trs21 accomplish other than vacuum a system w solvent in it…are you using it to evacuate the system of solvent

Do u use nitro?

Just trying to clarify for me and others to get ur system
Passive hybrid