Solvent tank questions

I use nitrogen. The recovery pumps make it faster than I could get it to run passive.

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How big are ur lines?

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3/4 recovery

Our 1/2 recovery on the big rig recovers so fast for 50lvs it’s crazy

I recover 12lbs at the house on smaller taller system in almost the same time wn1/4" lines…I have the 3/8" adapters for jic and the line

.I just gotta build a T or manifold so I can still use 1/4" nitrogen regulator… Unless someone has link to bump to 1/4" to 3/8" jic I’m gonna go look now

I’ve got some spares if you want me to send you one @StoneD

No and no. And at the moment I run passive. It’s looking beyond my budget to run the system I want to run passively.

Looks like I outgrew my own britches when I was doing open blast :man_facepalming:

How much dry ice were you using a day?! Haha rn I’m using about 25 lbs a day

We were running 500 frozen a week and going through a thousand lbs or so to freeze the material and run it


Hahaha damn 1k lbs would cost me like 700 a week in DI. :rofl::rofl: I appreciate your guys’ input!

I’ve been looking on laboratory surplus stores online to find a bomb ass chiller, I think when i do I’ll be looking at all these upgrades. I also live a 45 min drive from the dry ice plug.

I was using a tote and half a day and instead bought a 10k ice machine and it works even better for my setup. The time and exposure alone was worth it let alone in the next 3 weeks ill have my roi on it not counting hrs paying employees to drive


Yeah but he’s making lb after lb of oil! LBS I say!

W a cls there is a to small cut off point that then the machine cost to much to run if your not producing enough oil

I’d say anything under a lb of material and ur really eating money