Smoke shop clerk stabs a robber

Except for the fact that we know the kid didn’t die on premises.

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Resorting directly to extreme violence is effective sure, but it’s a waste of human life. If you value your swisher sweets behind the counter more than someones life (even a robbers…) your fucked up


Gotcha. I didn’t read into it. Just watched the video.

If he just kept the dude pinned and remained vigilant, it’s a different story.

it depends. Did he brandish it? Did he have a reason for carrying it like a concealed permit? Could the clerk see it? All those things are important to consider. If I have a gun in my jacket and have to fight someone, does someone have the right to shoot me simply because I have it? Conversely, if you’re going into a fight and you see someone has a holstered gun, can you stop engaging in the physical fight, step back and shoot them? I think the obvious answer is “no”. A police officer can’t even legally shoot you just for simply spotting a gun on you during the commission of a crime. There has to be an obvious intention to use it, hence the common phrase “he reached for it” as an excuse for self defense.

My whole thing in this situation is you don’t know what that guy/kid who jumped the counter will do next. What if he has a gun tucked? What if he pulls a knife himself? If you don’t act immediately, you yourself could become the victim…atleast that’s my view. As soon as he jumped the counter it’s self defense imo

I would have a totally different tone if the guy never crossed the counter, and the worker lunged across and stabbed him.

Just my take. Lots of what if’s, I know I know…

Interesting seeing everyone’s opinions.


The point I was making about having a pistol in his pocket is that you don’t freaking know and when all you have is a knife you don’t have time to find out what the true intentions are. If you wait to see your attackers gun you’re too late you are dead that gun is the very last thing you’re going to see and your family is going to cry. Fuck that little bastard I hope he burns in hell for putting his own family and the poor guy’s family in such pain


I like that he did it. People are getting too comfortable being able to just “take yo shit”. This needs to stop by ANY means necessary. Best one was the 80 yr old dude in Cali who blasted the arm off the kid in with the AR. “Fuck you, try to come take it. Get your other arm blasted off!”


I don’t think anyone is arguing that something more terrible could’ve happened. Hell I even said it’s sad for the dude that stabbed the guy. Was it a mistake? Yeah definitely. Probably gonna get manslaughter at the least unless the da decides that stabbing someone 10+ times shows an intention to kill without a reasonable threat. You may not like it but thems the rules

Preach. Put the fear back into people like this. Maybe they will make better life choices then…


That was an entirely different situation. The suspects had their guns drawn when the store owner acted in self defense. Here, for all the clerk knew they were defenseless.

There’s a YouTube channel called active self protection. Check it out and start looking at the videos and you will realize that the difference between life and death is a Split second literally a split second decision and if you wait you are dead. There’s hundreds if not thousands of security and badge cam videos there that will help drive my point in. Do yourself and your family a favor and watch some of the videos.


Maybe I’m just sour cause I’ve recently been taken for over $100k of my own personal belongings. I don’t care if they had guns or not, I would want nothing less for them fuckers to die. Hopefully the law men will catch up to their asses one day… nothing more in this world I hate than a damn thief.


Once you start it…. Luckily for this guy there’s plenty of jurors like myself who will hang a jury for the guy who took out a bad guy. In a world where you can take out 1000 people in each major city and drop their violent crime stats by double digits, I’m all for vigilante shit…


one of my favorite channels, great link and great lessons in there why this clerk’s reaction was justified in my opinion. takes a split second for situations to turn deadly and jumping over the counter is definitely an escalation. thieves are the lowest of the low, fuck around and “I’m dead, I’m dead…”


Hey bro no one is entitled to take the fruits of your labor without compensation and in a case like yours they probably have destroyed a good chunk of your life and changed you forever more and for that yes I think if you walk up on someone like that in the act fucking take them out.


ASP is from AZ.
Dude is a black belt and always comes by my gym.
Hopefully they put out a video on this encounter.

But this situation seems vastly different than most featured on the ASP channel.


That’s extreme. We may have watched the clerk MURDER some dude over what, a few dollars worth of smokes??? No need to stab the guy. He wasn’t attacking the clerk. They showed zero aggression and didn’t have any visible weapons. If a cop had done that, everyone would call the cop a murderer - and rightfully so!

(It wasn’t a dispensary, it’s just a smoke shop.)

FFS, anyone who doesn’t feel empathy for that person getting stabbed needs to reevaluate their moral compass. My faith in humanity went down quite a bit after reading these posts and the Twitter thread. Where is your humanity?

What if it’s some young kid with a fucked up life who had no guidance? I did some fucked up things when I was a kid, and I would be dead now if some fucking psychopath decided to knife me like a scene from Halloween.

I wish I had never watched the video. I feel terrible for the guy that got stabbed.

I bet the clerk should get arrested for attempted murder or murder. He should go to jail for years.

NV has a stand your ground law, but not a hunt and fucking kill law. The clerk started the fight (voiding #1), and he didn’t have a reasonable belief that his life was in jeopardy (voiding #2). The dude grabbed shit from the shelf while the clerk was a few feet away and then ran over and stabbed like him.


how is he hunting… behind the counter of his store?


He ran over and started stabbing him. He could have just stayed where he was and called the police.

Call the police after the guy jumped over his counter? There were 2 guys with masks at first. One jumps over… he’s supposed to whip out a cell phone and call police and put himself in a vulnerable position to potentially be assaulted or killed himself?

He never left behind his counter. If dude never jumped over I doubt he gets stabbed.