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I am getting sick of seeing this guy in every thread when I just want to look at memes and shitpost. Get rid of him for fucks sake.
I am getting sick of seeing this guy in every thread when I just want to look at memes and shitpost. Get rid of him for fucks sake.
It’s a fruitless effort. You’ve seen it with others & done it yourself with alt accounts.
IP ban would get sidestepped by a VPN, so I think the jannies just have a chronic, herpetic whack-a-mole scenario until things tone down after rock bottom or a moment of clarity.
Until then, it’s pretty obvious & you can always mute/ignore.
Hey, I did my part and shit talk him the best I could.
I would have shit talked him yesterday too, but shit talking dapper was more important.
I don’t think that’s always the best solution considering he will just keep coming back. Only other thing I can think of is just everyone here fully ignoring him so he gets bored.
How can he get bored when he’s contributed So MuCh To ThE iNdUsTrY
I vote we ban @CapitalismSucks420 & his alt accounts…
In the process…
@GummyChad most feel the same about you… go fuck yourself
See how much @MillerliteRN sucks MW dick!
MV is responsible for my business making 6 figures a month. Call it what you want!
Than why are you not employing him?
Employing known pedophiles must be a bad look.
All I am seeing is @MillerliteRN is a massive MW dick sucker.
Is @MillerliteRN gay for MW? This level of dick sucking is much more than normal and leads me to believe some gay shit is going on.
It’s like how simps jump in to defend the hot girl, but in a gay way.
Then @Future should do what other sites do, charge for the privilege of using a VPN. Make it so that if you want to use a VPN you have to be a GLG member for at least a year.
The fact that anyone ever accepted him here in the first place, when his pedophilia was well known and already exposed before this forum was created, makes me believe that you’ll never get rid of him.
You all had the chance to shun him and shame him out of the industry, but instead you accepted him and I got told to “stop creating drama” when I brought this up 4 years ago.
no one should be banned from this forum… no one… not even @potguru. Its better to shit on shitty members then just to ban them. when you ban them, it does nothing obviously. they create a new screen name and all the offenses that person did under the original screen name get buried…
At least when you dont ban a members screen name… its easy to reference that screen name to the bannable offenses… plus we get to shit on them… constantly whenever they post…
The people whining on the internet…especially under an alt are soft as fuck…
the internet is forever… dont you think when you search “moveweights” real name… these forum posts dont come up labeling him a pedo… anyone doing a deep dive into his background is going to come across this forum… which would likely ruin his future (pun intended) for a ton of shit.
@LikesRetardedPosts acually takes this to the next level by doing it in the most cowardice way possible. It’s the same as sucker punching someone and running off before they can react.
Thank you for the new word