lol…i think its pretty funny… the person definitely is getting the attention they desire… seeing you created a whole thread for him shows their trolling is working. lol
i can only think of a handful of people this could be. im pretty sure i know who it is
I thought it was you at first cause of all the down kids hating.
But now not so sure.
id never have an alt. Im no pussy ass bitch like a lot of people here.
and im every alt at one point till patterns start to appear
Bro, everyone has alts here.
i certainly dont… cause im no pussy ass bitch… i dont even have an acct for my business.
i give less than 2 fucks about the internet!
i had no social media accts before 2016 period. zero.
It’s always a shocker to see people who are abusers, child rapists, or women beaters etc, get called out for their nonsense and actions and then they get mad at you for doing it. Defense mode 110% all while knowing they did what they are being roasted for. Wade ivy had a sexual relationship with a minor when he was a adult and she eas like 14 and his excuse was she and her mother lied to him about her age and encourage it. Can you imagine such a pathetic excuse???
It’s almost like that time the owner of xd was being warned by the whole industry about his unsafe stainless and scam certs, all while he’s lying and threatening to go after anyone who calls him out. Then all of a sudden he self certifies his own lab and days later it blows up harming everyone inside and killing possibly one person. When he knew he sold unsafe hardware and false claims of testing and safety. When his own engineer wouldn’t certify his trap lab for safety he did it himself, stuffed his own staff in there, and then gets mad when people confront him on his horribly unsafe hardware and business practices. Interesting fact, before he self certified his own lab I think a lab with Apollo mercuris exploded just days or weeks before his own lab exploded. So he already knew where his own failures were at and still insisted on filling the lab with staff so he could launder his trap lab money through xd to keep the lights on and be able to expand and pay his bills for more unsafe stainless and hardware.
no its fucking gross actually. all pedos should just be castrated. you can do it chemically so you dont have to cut off their dicks and shit… but all pedos should be castrated…
They have a gender reaffirmation treatment now that they give to kids, that’s basically chemical castration. Instead of making pedos and molesters do it like they did in the 80-90s now they give those same meds to kids and on some states without parental permission. You Americans are messed up.
i dont know all about that stuff… call me ignorant. i dont follow the news or weird websites…
but thats pretty crazy… the future is gonna be a weird place
Google his name. He’s being sued not just for dangerous negligence, possibly even killing a staff member…but also complete down syndrome dead on theft from his vendors or suppliers. His own store/lab got raided for cash he had confiscated related to drug dealing he was engaged in at work. He had to forfeit close to 150-200 or something like that to the government after seizure. There’s talk hes in a criminal states case right now for his lab explosion for a death related to his lab, maybe it’s over now bc he is being pushed with civil cases as well. The states workers comp inspector general went out of his way and made a report against him because he was trying to get the states workers comp to pay for his dead(maybe)/injured staff members for his blown up trap lab. And they wrote a whole docet about his scam and fraud and multiple personalities and all kinds of fucked up shit about him. I think his sister might be suing him too since he blew up her building. His whole family is full of cons and straight junket people.
that would be all good for me… We compete on a lot of similar skus. less competition is better for me… saying that… i hope none of that is true… I dont need to win the game because the other player takes himself out…
All of it is true. Google it. It’s public info. And after their cases are all won and case law is established then other buys of china stainless will start going after the remainder of the sellers out there. It’s a domino effect.
can we get this back on topic and why we should not ban any members and unban members like hmmmmmmm “@spdking”
the fact @GummyChad started this thread when i cant count how many times people have asked for his multiple accts banned is just hysterical… come on bro!
Its probably less than a dozen people actually
dont listen to this guy @ky_cbd above me… hes just my administrator alt…
I love shit talking people, the more people I can shit talk the better.
Hey quick question. @GummyChad have your gummies ever been so insanely rock hard it hurt teeth? Asking for a friend. Saw it happen once and didn’t know concrete could be classified as such
Is it possible to create a group for known trolls/troublemakers, and give users the choice to mute that group? Being that banning accounts is like whack-a-mole, letting the problem people keep their accounts, and allowing people to mute that group could be a happy middle ground. When new alts pop up, they could be selectively added. Not sure if any of this is possible, but it was a thought that came to mind.
We have a known scammer tag but I think only two or three have graced that group @Scammers