Seems like CBG tanked fast.

Yep. Social security is the Slave identification number they give you so the government can borrow money on your behalf. You should look into a4v or accepted for value, you can actually use your social security debt value to buy land and other assets.

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Yes I’ve gone down the rabbit hole to see if it was possible.

It works on the premise of of already existing debt. So I wonder If it can be used for cannabis? Lot of buerocratic tape but it seems possible and I’ve seen people on internet do it but that’s the…internet.

Has no face value, and isn’t recognizable.

Buy old coins first.

That being said, I have several oz in 1g pieces like that

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Got a link?

There is a great east/west coast podcast on it.

Problem is that if you go through with it and release your debt. You waive your citizenship essentially

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It says 1G on it… :person_shrugging:t2:

But is backed by nothing that anyone would ever recognise…

There’s a reason coins are so intricate

Why would a backing be applicable in this scenario?

If people don’t see the value in the backing. It’s worthless is it not?

I didn’t word that very well. People can look at a US coin and recognise it as such

I see.

I always wonder what would happen in some doomsday scenario. Would people come together and melt down metals and create their own currency?

Answer I don’t really want to find out :rofl:


Food will always be the most valuable asset in a SHTF scenario imo


“Currency” can be anything that has faith behind it and its value. World turns to shit it wouldnt surprise me if bullets and such are used as currency… Salt use to be used as a currency way back…


Edit: I’ve always Experienced the golden rule.

Those with the gold, make the rules. :man_shrugging:

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I don’t think it works exactly how people say it works but it’s been mentioned to me many times by independent thinkers.

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If you own silver you should also own a forge.

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If you own US coins a forge may be valuable as well

Which is illegal, “don’t do it” :wink:


Not many copper pennies left.

They’re mostly zinc now

Aluminium is $25,000 a pallet currently.

Recyclers are killing it

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1982 is when they changed the composition to less than 3% copper. There’s a fuck ton of old stock circulating. I save all my change, and once a year sort and roll it. Typically at least 20-30% of the pennies are old stock

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