Bitcoin halving seems to be driving alot of the altcoins up…
Bitcoin halving seems to be driving alot of the altcoins up…
How do you think we got here ahaha
Loving my XRP rn. Got into that one at $.03, dumped half of em at $2 that crazy ass January. Dumped all of my TRX at the same time and super glad about that
Are they made of gold or silver? Investing in precious metals plays into a similar concept as investing in cryptocurrency. They both gain value on the idea that major fiat currencies are unstable. Gold goes up whenever the dollar/euro are looking shoddy. Bitcoin used to follow a similar trajectory but with all the new restrictions on it in the last couple years it’s a bit harder to predict and I’ve moved my interest towards metals more because of this. I’ve been long on gold since about 2014. I personally think gold is just going to keep going up. This is not financial advice but gold has been straight beast mode for pretty much two decades straight now.
I stack physical silver coins and bars… I use to trade currencies and as a long term play metals are better IMO. Crypto Isnt that different in regards to scarcity. Bitcoins there will ever be 21 million… physical gold and silver there will be only be xx amount pulled from the earth thus driving the store of value up over time.
Yeah I just have more faith in metals than cryptocurrency right now. Regulation came in too quick on crypto when it got redefined as an asset (aka the Christmas Massacre of 2017) and it’s never been the same since. Such a huge portion of the bigger investors held it because it was theoretically untaxable at the time but as soon as that changed it’s been bleeding out. I still hop in for a few weeks/months at a time when i see the opportunity. For some reason I never got into silver much but gold has always treated me well.
Metals are no different as far as the govt is concerned. Ever heard of Executive order 6102?
lol the difference there is that is an event from almost a century ago so it’s safe to assume that is not affecting the spot price anymore. bitcoin on the other hand got to where it was not being an asset then as soon as it was reclassified as one it collapsed. it still has its place but it’s just one of countless places to invest your money so I’m gonna pass on that one for a while.
Love the digi $$$$
Whoever controls such a system would likely have great influence over the world at large. With great power comes great responsibility…
"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws! " -Mayer Amschel Rothschild
As for topic relevance, CBG was clearly noted by the community here to be part of a recent CannaBiz industry fad…there’s always another one just over the horizon.
Has anyone done anything fun with CBG yet? in terms of novel derivative molecules.
Ethereum is my second biggest play after bitcoin. Watch the DEFI market explode.
Also own XRP, lite coin, ZRX, XLM.
We are in a private asset wave which will peak in 2032. Crypto. Metals, stocks will all do well. The bubble is in government and government debt. “Bonds”
Bitcoin hovering near $10k. Around this time in 2019, Bitcoin was near $4000. BTC is slowly heading North.
As for ETC, there is a larger community engagement in building application with Ethereum Blockchain technologies. This shows Ethereum is gaining strength. It might be a good idea to look at investing in ETC.
History tends to repeat itself. All the president needs is a war and the govt can call back gold.
Dec 31, 1974 - On December 31, 1974, with Executive Order 11825, President Gerald Ford repealed the Executive Order that Roosevelt used to call in gold in 1933. This was necessary because on the same day Congress restored Americans’ right to own gold. The limitation on gold ownership in the U.S. was repealed after President Ford signed a bill legalizing private ownership of gold coins, bars and certificates by an act of Congress codified in Pub. L 93-373 which went into effect December 31, 1974. P.L. 93-373 did not repeal the Gold Repeal Joint Resolution, which made unlawful any contracts that specified payment in a fixed amount of money or a fixed amount of gold. That is, contracts remained unenforceable if they used gold monetarily rather than as a commodity of trade.
Oct 28, 1977 - 1977 Congress removed the president’s authority to regulate gold transactions during a period of national emergency other than war.
Don’t even get me started on that growing list
Own gold or silver coins instead of bars.
The “collector” aspect may make it less likely to be confiscated this next time around.
Let’s be real. Governments are broke and they will be hunting for your money more aggressively as we head into this private asset wave into 2032
There is an executive order for just about everything. We have no rights and we God rid of the Constitution and replaced it with a corporate entity.
Ever wonder why you have a SSN? it’s debt value that you give to society so the government can accept loans from third parties like Rothschild’s.
This is correct and why untraceable digital currency scares them.
The funny thing about cash is that you can trade it for guns, ammo, gold, silver, crypto, etc, without anyone knowing it happened
Silver: Buy “Junk Silver”. Old US coins were made with silver Silver Coin Melt Values with Live Silver Prices - Coinflation and have 3 things going for them. Small denomination (would suck to trade a whole bar for some bread if SHTF) , face value in US (would suck if a big silver asteroid smacked the earth), and they are highly recognizable
I stacked gold and silver long before I bought any crypto
And land is the most valuable asset, because that’s where food comes from
A very wise man once told me
“Matt learn either land, law, and taxes”
I learned land.
Buy smaller ones