I’ve been making carts for several years now and would like to start making sauce carts. Is there anything I should know before I start looking for some bulk sauce ? Am I going to have to add distillate to the mix for strength? I would rather not but if necessary I will. I’ve seen some doing decarbed diamonds and sauce but haven’t seen lot of info on it.
Distillate or decarbed diamonds. Either will work but you will need one. Straight HTE carts kinda suck. I shoot for 8-10% terpenes and my HTE ranges from 15-30% terps. You can do the math from there.
If u add disty then scratch the name live resin off
Terp sauce carts I make for myself all the time, but it’s really weak I only do it for flavor probably under 30%thca or thc but disty is 80-95%ish
The raw diamonds decarb probably is probably high 80s to high 90s%thca
Centrifuge off your terps. Decarb the diamonds but not all the way that way u leave enough thca to to keep it in the live resin family. After ur done decarbing add the terps baxk at a Lower temperature. Stir in really well automated stirrer.
Now you have live resin carts. Sugar works the same as diamonds though
Also a true terp sauce carts would be just adding the liquid portion from the crash to the cart after purging it. They make for really good tasting carts but u need the decarb thca to give it some legs …also if try putting straight sauce in cart might be best to come down a size on your coil holes
They taste pretty banging and most of them are only stronger in thc than most bud ppl grow but yeah I smoke through it in day or so
Only difference between the decarbed diamonds and distillate is like 5% thc if the distillate and decarbed diamonds are both of high quality (distillate low to mid 90s potency wise and. 98-99% thca diamonds) honestly I’ve found if I’m not starting with very clean diamonds 97-99% thca I prefer distillate as wet sugar decarbed ends up with more off color and with more impurities than good distillate would have. I will admit though I do love the crystal clear slow decarbed pure diamonds I find they turn purple quickly after decarbed if I don’t formulated then immediately.
D9 is D9 though it’s really just a question of what impurities are coming along with it.
I’m usually closer to the 30% ime
Have you ran wet sugar through a centrifuge
It takes me forever to get high off a high potency decarbed diamond cart. Trying to get high off a HTE cart is practically impossible haha
Shopping for a fuge right now actually. I’ve seen the results it does a great job at getting the terps off. I do all my clean up currently with alkanes though.
Yeah it’s nearly impossible for heads like us…but a smoker that barely smokes would get high
Also OP use the search bar as there are numerous threads asking the very same question
The centrifuge to separate the terps is the newest add on
the only lab equipment I have is a hotplate mixer and a cart farmer
Also I doubt I would know the terp content of the sauce I get. Unless I go and get it tested myself.
You never cease to assert some highbrow opinion. The live resin comes from the sauce it doesn’t cease to be live resin by mixing it with distillate.
Could be “live” terps and distillate OR “live”terps and decarbed diamonds
I used to feel the same way as stoned, but have changed my opinion after smoking both (no fucking different imo when the distillate and decarbed diamonds are mixed at same ratio)
In ur opinion maybe…I consider it using anything that’s not in the jar of live resin
U might could use the derived from live resin … but unless the contents wasn’t in the jar to begin w hard for me to call it that
Plus disty has taste that doesn’t play w hte as nicely as decarb sugar from the same.batch
Your southern drawl is getting in the way of my reading comprehension
@StoneD is 100% correct. You cant add disty and call it a live resin cart. You cant heat the shit out of it and call it a live resin cart. IDGAF if you have a southern draw or not.
100% of it has to start from fresh frozen period!
What would you say to using decarded diamonds made from dried trim mixed with HTE. Is that a live resin cart? Literally nearly pure THCa just from a different source but still in the form you deem necessary for it to be a “live resin cart”. Relying on THCa from high quality material makes absolutely no sense, high quality concentrate/material is high quality because it contains desirable ingredients not in low quality material. Everything has THCa at some point and its pretty easily to purify it from just about any source. Price of diamonds gonna plumbed when people fully realize pure THCa is easier to make than pure D9.
IMO, if it still has Thca in the cart, and the terps were made from fresh frozen, it’s live resin. I’d call distillate mix with good HTE live resin more accurately live resin than decarbed diamonds mixed with decarbed cannabis terps
I dont think anyone is using decarbed terps