Santa Cruz fires

Mandatory evacuation lasted 8 days.

Got back in last night.

Ash everywhere, but everything is intact.

Amazed that I don’t seem to have lost much in the garden without water for 8 days (power went down first)…even seedlings I would not have expected to go 24hrs are ok.

Tempted to throw the entire refrigerator out. Will probably have to toss the contents of two freezers as well.

Gonna have to figure out washing my plants too.

For now I’m just gonna celebrate that I still own this stupid coffee cup & there was hash to go in it.image

That is a nominally black surface in the background


Glad to here that you’re ok and you didn’t lose anything.

Not gonna lie, I’m a little worried about you guys out there and glad to hear updates like this.

Fire is scary af.

Stay safe doods


Glad to hear your back in home & all is relatively normalish. If you need some beans to get going again or clips for a restart I got you :facepunch:t3:

Try blowers on the plants still up for now if that don’t work may be best to just crude it’s out & wash out all the smoke presence.

Coffee & weed, never better mix, I got the pipe/mug too lol


Thank you sir!

As far as beans go, postie just dropped some off!!

Thanks @AgTonik!!

Freakshow Seed Meme Contest! (NOW CLOSED)


How the heck would that prevent arson?

Reminds me of a book , the monkeywrench gang, I read a while ago. I wonder what the angle(s) is/are.

Maybe people just be crazy. Good luck out there I hope everyone finds their mug pipes!


I also had about four weeks of no power and just got restored with power so my greenhouse is venting and water is available on tap. Soon be rolling on my trailer park home back on my land.