If anyone else is evacuating near me and needs a hauler I can haul your horses and live animals.
I’m over the hill now but can come and hitch up to your trailer and take your animals anywhere you want. Any weight including d ring trailers. I lost all my animals but I’m willing to put time into saving yours.
I was out in San Diego years ago surrounded by wildfires. That shit is scary. Godspeed to everyone impacted, @spdking you’re a noble gentleman for your offer. I’m sorry you suffered such a loss.
extremely sad to hear this. I never wish any ill will on anyone and really hope you rebuild bigger and better than before. Once again sorry for all your loses!
I know you don’t like me (us?) but if there’s anything I (we) can do, don’t hesitate to ask, here or in private, or 3rd party for all I care. Know you have a new babe, I’ve got a stockpile of diapers we were saving for our next one that I’d pack up and send your way
If you need clothes & other shit for the little one don’t hesitate @spdking I’m sorry for the loss & misfortunes the world has brought upon you, but don’t let that stop you from riding the lightening. Community is here for all in need.
Plot twist. I went back out there solo and new fires were on the property 24 hours later. I ran the tractor and used the water pump till there was no fuel to put out what else I could. Left after I became useless. We’ll see tomorrow what else is left.
Have little girls clothing if needed. Ages 18mo- 4years. If there is anything else needed, just ask. If I have it, it’s yours
Also, I’m sure it seems like years away, but when ready to rebuild, if you need somebody to wire your house/ property back up, I’d be more than willing to hop on a plane and donate some time and labor