Russia sentences Griner to 9 years in prison, White House calls for her release


I hope this sparks the national legalization we all need

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No, itā€™ll be legalized for a few peoples wantsā€¦

But Thailand was something I had a job offer in, they wanted a hemp boi tho.

Hopefully I get that call back down the lineā€¦


Are you in that big of a rush to pay federal tax on it, take on a bunch more federal regulations and to compete against the likes of Proctor and Gamble and Johnson & Johnson?

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You mean like my local craft brewery thatā€™s regulated by the ATF. yes. Iā€™m not a pharma co. Iā€™m a craft consumable intoxicant mfg.

Thatā€™s because youā€™re not Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms. But you do fall under the Food and Drug Administration and the DEA. And who knows what other regulatory body theyā€™re going to impose on the industry once they legalize It and tax the hell out of it. If you are already working legally why do you want more taxes and more regulations imposed on you and most importantly open yourself up to competition with pockets in the trillion dollar range? Trust me you canā€™t competeā€¦


A few republicans even tried to add a cannabis to atf. Thatā€™s where it will go not the FDA an agency where the F is silent.

I guess that make sense, the government likes to F you but does it behind a smoke screen

Looks like this thing still hasnā€™t played out yet.

Imo, let her sit in jail. Biden wouldnā€™t be doing that for any ā€œnormalā€ us citizen.


Arms dealing = Vape Cart owner.

Itā€™s flattering to think vape carts are so hard core.

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I just picture Nicholas cage in ā€œLord of Warā€ but heā€™s out here slanging carts instead.

Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s how it goes

Wait those arenā€™t empty carts on the floor?


Getting caught with a weed pipe 20 years ago in Reno put me in jail. No one cares. I donā€™t want to pay for her trade with murderers . Who brings hash to Russia?


Back about 20 years ago Iā€™ve seen a couple of brothers at the feds that got hit with CCE (continuing criminal Enterprise) because of marijuana and they got fucking hammered by the judge.

Edit: to be fair in the feds it goes by sentencing guidelines so the judge has a very narrow window of what you can get hammered by but CCE is mandatory minimum of 20 years or if you got any felonies on your record from before mandatory minimum of 36 and mandatory minimum means no early release. (At least thatā€™s how I remember it)


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