What if there was a way to spin the flask during short path like a rotovap except on a short path distillation head. I keep seeing people using mantles that have stirrers and I’m like why not a motor that’s constantly spinning the flask too that way you get full heating and eliminate the use of rope, foil or other outer heating sources.
I have no idea how I would do it but if you guys wanna chime in on designs go for it.
If someone decides to design and build and sell it go for it I don’t have a working short path unit either I’m again just heavy thinking
Well do you know why kugs aren’t used for cannabinoids anymore. They don’t agitate. And thier non selectivity makes it troublesome to dial in temps. Also they use hoses and various other methods to hookup and if you don’t use traps they suck.
I would say agrissive mixing would be better than a leaky joint and ineffective efficiency
We made great distillate with a kug for a long time, the problem was the throughput. @pharmer_joeoakes and I even fucked around with a big custom one in a convection oven without too much more success
shots fired! QGA is right though, if you really think about it the “retention time” of material in SPD boiling flasks is extreme compared to wiped films.
Alot of that is brought down with offer hardware built to move vapor molecules. sure if you have hundreds of acres to deal with a whipe film in a two-story system is probably going to be your best bet. taking tolls of different customers products and numerous other high capacity work loads, the job done - gets great results great color and you can’t beat the performance compared to a whipe film. Wp just cost a lot and the short path is still dominating potency and clarity. You can talk smack but there’s a plethora of users on here who SPD.
i still have 2 SPDs, so i know where your coming from, i feel like spds can make prettier stuff and i will always distill via spd for products that people are going to smoke and see in pens and whatnot.
but that said i think wiped fill is better for CBD isolate production though (which is my main thing), as you always have a consistent product to bring into the crystallization step, with SPD you can have a bit of variability based on the operator skill and whatnot, which can make crystalization yeilds less consistent.
in reality though, in a shortpath the cannabinoids are exposed to heat for much longer then with a wiped film, which can lead to degregation, however minor its still there. i am a believer in the SPD for certain things though, and i love to run them!!
also how big of an SPD do you think you could make? is there a limit or diminishing return on size?
There is plenty of broke ass people on here them ask them lol
sorry that is not nice but it is funny… but the cheapest option is a pope 2 inch and they work with a little heart and soul you can get them rollin pretty good
Chinese wiped films can be like 20k but expect to drop 50k into one to make it half way decent. Best off paying the money upfront and getting something that is turn key and domestically made.