Rosin yields

Buy the Pollen Extractor and a sift kit and make some thca / terp separation practice. It’s fun.

I have a tumbler also lol

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run it on plants with actual pollen :rofl: :rofl:


Yeah, I’d like to get a project on a introductory freeze dryer made / imported to push back on their pricing.


Do you have the steps on that? ThcA terp separation

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have you checked the solventless category?

eg : Mechanical separation TEK. (Solventless diamonds)


Here’s a quick 1 min video


XD I like my cute tumbler. It’s seriously the perfect travel rosin kit.

that seems like the right application for rosin. personal use dabs.

although I have suggested using a steam roller on Sunset Blvd in mid summer for “at scale”… :wink:

And what does this usually go for?

don’t look for a freeze dryer.
use the scientific name…and hunt for used

all you really need is a container that will hold vac, a vac pump, and a cold trap to keep the water out of your pump. if you use a diaphragm pump your can ditch the cold trap.

throw material in (say) Spd boiling flask, freeze, suck.

once you start sucking, the flask will get colder, and colder…insulation won’t hurt.

shit will even work if you don’t freeze first…


My life was always on the move and I’ve had to step away from the lab life and focus on being a single father.

I’m now a hobbiest who still is fascinated to keep up with the tech.

Hell, I literally made the travel press with partners :sweat_smile:

It’s a $100 mini tumbler. Can’t beat the size.


“Sift Wash Press” was our slogan.


That’s inspirational and fucking awesome. Thanks for sharing

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:joy: :rofl: :joy:


My favorite part is how he warns you of wearing gloves and then has no gloves on :joy:

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this might not be true… not sure that you can get into the right pressure range.

I have however lyophilized several hundred maize tissue samples without freezing them first. they were frozen within the first 15min.

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Was that pressed wet? How was it dried if washed

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There are old school techniques without a freeze dryer… but the time loss is painful.

Tip 5: “Once you have powdered the hash properly, now it’s time to DRY IT. I use a desiccant-like cardboard. It’s lined with parchment paper, and once closed, the cardboard can pull and wick moisture from the hash. This is very important, as you will not dry the hash properly on a plate, or plastic, or metal or anything that is NOT going to wick the moisture from INSIDE the hash.
An addendum to Tip 5 is once you have your hash dry ( 7+ days in the cardboard box), you can now actually CURE THE HASH. Once you have DRIED the wax membrane of the trichome head, you can allow for the hash to cure and stabilize. I have some that has been curing for more than seven years, and is stable beyond stable. I have friends who have hash that is a month or two old, and is buttering out. Always dry and cure your bubble hash properly.”

Quote from