Rosin pressing mushrooms

Psilocybin is water soluble. You’re not going to press oil from shrooms in a dry state so presumably the goal is pressing wettish shrooms. Maybe the water will contain actives, it probably will.

Most will be left behind in the solids. I don’t see the point in this except trying to hoodwink people of their money with novelty


then why are you commenting? This is obviously a step towards the R&D of mushroom extract exploration, that’s “the point”

Nobody here is offering anything for sale just So just because you don’t get it doesnt means there is bad intentions


I commented because it’s a half brained idea and I explained why. Prove me wrong, it won’t hurt my feelings.

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So is going out at midnight to pick raw mushrooms outta cow shit on your neighbors farmland, but that how rec mushrooms were used and cultivated around the world for years lol


Personally, I grew up on pf tek. I stay on prints since way back when.

The dudes who went and picked off cow shit that I knew growing up came back with a half dozen species but still sold them all … :slight_smile:


lmao they’re discussing trying something. Not selling an SOP

There’s shit to criticize, but folks considering trying something? Go shut down someone else’s party, ya bitterass vet.

I commented because it’s a half brained idea and I explained why. Prove me wrong, it won’t hurt my feelings.

Nah, you accused them of trying to scam people. That’s cunt move from someone with low reading comprehension, buddy.

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I won’t apologize for adding dialogue. Go bully someone who will yield to your toxicity.

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Easy on the cow shit tossing. What ever happened to think before you post the diarrhea in your head? I am not furthering the conversation, but have been microdosing for a minute. I’d like an easier method to consume, so I’d love to hear the results of your R&D.

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“Go bully someone else”


  • Accuse them of trying to scam folks out of their money
  • Call them stupid for trying something, even while acknowleding your solvent of choice is readily available in freshies

I think you may be suffering from cognitive gymnastics. That was a pretty sick backflip. I apologize though, you’re the only one that’s allowed to say rude things. My apologies sirrrr. Please forgive my rude words that hurt your feelings.


If you never experience pushback on an idea and still pursue the idea, that’s on you. If someone offers up criticism you can ignore it , consider it and then ignore, consider it and possibly acknowledge it, outright agree with it. You have options.

I still think it’s half brained but maybe I’m half brained for thinking that.


Aka Young blood, but if you understand PF TEK you should see how a half brained Idea of picking stuff outta shit turned into growing your own at home and now is about to be a major business opportunity in the next 5-10 years


I’m not following your logic.

cubensis were introduced to western culture by Mexican lady shamans in the late 1800s.

cow shit isn’t the natural host for cubensis, considering eurpeans brought them to NA.

I’m out, have fun y’all


I think using a 1/4" of dry verm as a contam catcher / barrier from the cake could be considered a half brained idea (at first) given how susceptible the nutritious BRF mix below is. but it worked and is a standard til this day


Slurry in a hurry, was a hair brained idea to. Who would of thought, you could add a shit ton of water to a contamination prone substrate and get amazing results.


Think you might just be obstinate :ok_hand::man_shrugging:

Reishi mushroom extracted with R134a


Ultimately I just want to know what end product could be made, that made a person in passing so happy about it. I’d like to see what %s and details I can from such a simple test. Vs chase the actual product, it seems easy enough to recreate.

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Seems like it would cause more oxidation and product loss compared to solvents. I guess it’s exactly like cannabis.


Just saying, from some of the comments in this thread, I think everyone here needs to take some mushrooms and experience an ego death. Just sayin’ :man_shrugging:t3:


So r134a does have a purpose…