Rosin pressing mushrooms

I was going to say the same on people testing it

You’d think you would’ve heard a lot about it by now but you’re the first I’ve seen to test it.

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And then I tested some on myself directly after. Without a press. And inside of chocolate. In my stomach.

I’m full of firsts!

Hope y’all are having a nice saturday night!

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As in Comerg

650f was the hint mentioned. I was still surprised.
I’d like to actually see the local product but alas passerby is gone now

I’m blown away by this forum sometimes, with the genuis I’ve seen run around, but this is just silly. :rofl:

Go ahead, jump in the pond if you’re gonna be a bunch of silly gooses

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Bet he makes much better rosin than you, from what I’ve heard.

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I dunno. Not tonight, all those pressed mushrooms made me want to properly…ahem…respect…those who got wasted in the pursuit of science. :wink:

I did however get curious after the fact and peeled the bags apart since there didn’t seem to be any sort of thing that squeaked through the 25 micron double bag and after things had cooled down much more this is what I got. Now I am far from the most educated on mushrooms - in fact i’m probably more on the other end since I can barely tell you how to eat them without making awful noises. Does someone wanna tell me what i’m potentially looking at her? To my mind that’s essentially more geared toward rosin and what have you i’m thinking the potent extract may be on the outside edges here as this would say be the outcome when you’re pressing a very very trich-heavy nug but for some reason or another the nug itself sucks the trichs back up after squishing.

Otherwise i’m probably just gonna throw that fucker in a tea tomorrow if it’s nothing noteworthy.

I used 210f so it wasn’t too underpowered but not so overpowered it fucked up what makes you see jesus.

I’d soak it in lemon juice for a bit and re-press


What would the lemon juice accomplish in this? (seriously, as I know fuck all about this area. just an asshole with a press)

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I’d just rather use water soluble, or a curious A/B reaction.


Lemon juice would help break down the cellular layers and allow a possibility to extract the alkaloids a bit better.

that’ll be 5$


giphy (73)

But seriously, thanks for explaining that! I know the wifey has some for baking - I’ll do that tomorrow or else I may be posting about these wonderful colors i’ve recently tasted…


I’d have a lot better luck if I was the got’d damn Lock Ness monster, I’ll tell you that right now.

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No problem dude, good luck on your quest. I’m just being fussy. I’m in a transitional phase, and I’m feeling it.


I appreciate that very much bro :slight_smile: Just doing what I can to help push things further however I can


Boofin’s Boofin’.


Did someone say boofing?

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using fresh, or only partially dried starting material is the only way this can possibly work…

…and it should, given that our target is soluble in water (based on many successful cyanecens and cubensis teas), however the extract thus obtained may have a very short half life.

because you’re pulling from multiple cellular compartments and the enzymology/chemistry to degrade the target exists within that milieu…

pretty sure someone has posted data here to that effect. not gonna go find it.

if you’re after “fresh squeezed” I’d add orange juice and use your oster and the right sized canning jar.

shit, load your espresso machine up with OJ, and the cup with ground dried biomass.

if you’ve never tried warm OJ, I suggest you microwave some next time you’ve got the sniffles. puts lemon/honey to shame big time…


everything but butt stuff, unless I’m really REALLY…

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Oh man I knew I heard the word boof

lemme grab my capsule stash. High and dry, what about you?

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