Root Sciences -VKL 70-5, Wiped Film - FOR SALE

Dropping the asking price to $130,000

Good price… why are you selling?

Have a friend asking if it comes with manuals and SOP?

Do you still have this for sale?

The VTA SOP is floating around this forum somewhere. Use search bar, “VTA SOP” should get you to the right spot to download PDF


I can email those to you if you cant find em here.


Appreciate it… I just emailed it to my friends.

Is this still available?

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Why are you selling this?

HI, can you give me a call. I would like to speak to you.

Is this still available? Please email or call me 3107467733,

You can get a brand new glass plant now for less than this price. :laughing:


Any chance you could send me the VTA manual? Much appreciated :slight_smile:

This is the one for the steel unit

No idea if they’re different in terms of sop

I will try to look for my glass version manual tonight.

lol sisu… if you buy distillate, you know they make fartttttty trash…

I have maintenance manuals, but they’re labeled confidential. DM me if you need those.

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Got it, thanks. Do you know if the actual official VTA manuals are available on here?

Awesome, thanks! DM’d you.

Hey man, tried to send you a DM but your profile doesn’t let me. We should chat.