RFC Verified Equipment Slangers

Actually, after working all day and thinking about it…
This forum started as a way to share knowledge, really we could do without all the sellers.
I’m talking cbd, equipment, solvent, you name it.

This came about when I was thinking about how @potguru1 scammed multiple members here and was in fact glg. You could have verified sellers, but there will still be bad players.

I say let them eat cake.

Now off with my head :joy:

@Future @sidco, any weight?


I agree


As a verified slanger even I agree. We could do without sales here and focus on the science




Verified sellers have the issue you brought up, we can verify over and over again but it looks really bad when someone we ‘verify’ turns out to be a bad actor. So I have always stuck to the saying treat every vendor/slanger/gofundme here like you would a random person on craigslist. Terry has been one of the better vendors here considering China. I read this thread and am not sure what to make of it… Maybe if they got the compressor installed and gave the invoice to Terry he might have paid it, no clue. I would also prefer if all the sales went somewhere else, but for now the best thing I can suggest is to hide the sales categories if you don’t like looking at things for sale and don’t trust people you don’t know.

I also think that forums are a bad place to resolve customer disputes, but it’s kinda fun to watch lol

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Bro, just admit you don’t give a fuck anymore.

I used to defend your stance, but now it’s just coming off as an excuse not to do anything.

I’ve been burned by verified stuff multiple times, you’ve been around. Why would I want to continue? Better yet, feel free to make a post in Meta about how you would do it better.


The answer to why hemp slangers have to be verified is the answer to why equipment sellers should be verified.

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Again, feel free to make a suggestion in Meta like how you would propose I verify people. I’m not flying to China to visit their factories or any other state for that matter. I’m open to ideas on what you all think that would realistically look like. I thought the template was a great start.

Has he? What makes you say this?

How about stop requiring verification altogether across the board?

Equipment shows up, he appears to have service even if he dropped the ball this one time, a lot of other people seem to be happy with his stuff, again, considering china.

The hemp slanger we can at least make an effort on. Send a sample, with levels of verification. The hemp slangers could be sending anything from anywhere, we really don’t know, and have always tried to inform people it is a very weak firewall to stop mass spam. The cart slangers started to spam and the only solution I could think of is to give them their own category to duke it out.

Or we go nuclear option and nix all sales.

Pretty low bar for “one of the better vendors” here… I’d say Illuminated or Summit (or even QSP) are examples of some of the better vendors here. Terry is probably one of the most complained about vendors in this place and almost always his customer service is shit.

I’m for it.


Extremely low bar, yup. I don’t know what people should expect from buying from china. I should have clarified or maybe mentioned better CHINA vendor here. As oppose to the USA companies you listed.


verification hasn’t done much to stop scams, THCa from verified slangers under the guise of hemp is also a bad look for the legitimacy of the forum imo

Liam is also a way better rep than Terry ever was


I’d say a lot of the personal sellers are great. I blindly gave @greenbuggy 7k for a firemixer once upon a time as one of my larger transactions. I sold a kd10 for 200k as well.

I love the classifieds here. I’d love to see them stay in some capacity.


Personally would agree with NewLevelProcess 90% of what I have purchased on this forum have been smooth shipping and transactions but do think some changes could be made as I have also been scammed twice here. Since I mostly buy used equipment its not much comparison on the scale of some of these slangers or those selling 200k+ extraction units. Overall had a good experience here from the buy/selling aspect.


I think it makes more sense for equipment dealers than people who periodically want to sell a piece of equipment or two. I’d also ask what Slanger status is going to do to above and beyond current policies do to keep some jackass from turning into a bad actor, seems like this place has banned more than a couple of people for ripping people off when they had been fine before, including a couple of verified sellers as posters above have pointed out

Slowing the import of Chinese equipment could be good for American craftsman. There would also be other benefits.


Do it.

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Nix all sales

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